Moving ‘Move-On’ Forward RHS VPIG Conference 22 nd November 2007 Mark Beard, Futures at Knightstone and Antony Wilsdon, Dorset Supporting People.


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Presentation transcript:

Moving ‘Move-On’ Forward RHS VPIG Conference 22 nd November 2007 Mark Beard, Futures at Knightstone and Antony Wilsdon, Dorset Supporting People.

Workshop Objectives Remind ourselves of recommendations arising from VPIG’s ‘move-on’ research Allow VPIG to be accountable for progress to date in implementing recommendations Discuss how all stakeholders might be helped toward further action on ‘move-on’ Seek input to further VPIG work: –How Floating Support might further aid move on –The impact of changing access routes to housing

Move-on Research Recommendations Theme 1. Strategic Approach SP commissioning bodies to broker development of overarching move-on strategies SW RIG to develop common move-on needs mapping model Regional agencies to monitor delivery of strategies. SW RIG/VPIG to commission work to demonstrate benefits from move-on

Move-on Research Recommendations Theme 2. Housing supply RHAG/HC to ‘ring fence’ part of regional housing pot to general needs move-on  In line with local strategy  Range of unit types needed (e.g. 1b, shared) Regional agencies to press for move-on specific indicators/targets to size regional housing pot, inform LAAs

Move-on Research Recommendations Theme 3. Access to supply Housing Districts to adopt common needs assessments, eligibility criteria, allocations systems which prioritise access to move-on. LAs to consider issues for vulnerable people moving on when developing CBL RHAG/HC (with LAs & SP CBs) to review basis for 8% target - apply within move-on strategy at SP AA level

Move-on Research Recommendations Theme 4: Resettlement, support planning, floating support SP CBs contracts for short term services to require move-on plan in place (linking to overarching strategy) SW RIG to develop common model for individual client needs assessment as basis for local move-on audit Housing/support providers to join up support, care, behavioural and resettlement aspects of services through support planning

Move-on Research Recommendations Theme 5: Financial barriers Range of practical solutions needed within strategy e.g. discretionary/fast track HB, streamlining community care grant applications, incentivising private sector Role for regional agencies to identify systemic barriers and solutions and take these up with Government Strategies to include performance measurement to demonstrate benefits accruing from move-on

Move-on Research Recommendations Theme 6: Client related barriers Housing/support providers (with commissioners) to develop accredited tenancy training, education, employment schemes to prepare service users, incentivise landlords Local shared protocols between housing/support agencies to positively address ‘client barriers’ Clients to be supported to ‘control’ their own move-on planning (and contribute to strategy)

Move-on Research Recommendations Theme 7: Staff related barriers Commissioners to work with move-on strategy partners to ensure consistent, cross agency training e.g. allocations, homelessness, interviewing skills and client specific needs

Move-on Research Recommendations Theme 8: Design of services SP CBs to consider scope for re-modelling, re- configuring services to ‘design out’ some of the move-on blockage Include a range of accommodation (and tenures) to meet different client groups/aspirations e.g. self contained flats, shared house, extra care housing, short term housing for young people

Progress to date Dedicated VPIG discussion event (May 07) Widespread distribution of research recommendations Full discussion at all regional Provider and Commissioner Forums Dialogue with RHS Homelessness Group Influential input to Housing Corporation capital bids prospectus Two pilot sites agreed: North Somerset and Dorset County Planned further research and support

Groupwork 1 In stakeholder groups (e.g. Support Providers, Service Users, Housing Auths) Flipchart things that would help you to actively contribute to implementing the research (as part of a pilot) – 10 minutes Be ready to quickly feedback the two most important things – 10 minutes

Groupwork 2 Choose to join a group about Floating Support or one about ‘access routes’ Flip chart ways in which FS (or access routes) can/ do assist with move on – 10 minutes Flip chart ways in which FS (or access routes) can/ do hinder successful move on – 10 minutes Be ready to quickly feedback your one most important positive and negative – 10 minutes

Workshop Objectives Remind ourselves of recommendations arising from VPIG’s ‘move-on’ research Allow VPIG to be accountable for progress to date in implementing recommendations Discuss how all stakeholders might be helped toward further action on ‘move-on’ Seek input to further VPIG work: –How Floating Support might further aid move on –The impact of changing access routes to housing