A Strategic Overview James Cawley / Pat Palmer Use of Resources
Integrated Approach Housing LIN Housing Support Unit Use of Resources Project
The Challenges More People, Less Money!! Q. How big is the problem we face? Global Warming ! An ageing population! Regionally we must think differently about how we support the growing needs of an ageing population
The Challenges More People, Less Money!! Rising aspirations Greater expectations Personalisation Majority of older people home owners Choice and control Increased, complex needs Early intervention and prevention
The Biggest Challenge of All Not the ageing population Not the financial climate It is the CULTURE CHANGE! Strong leadership, which enables staff to embrace and understand change. Commitment to listening and responding to the voice of the customer. Agreeing a vision, identifying a strategic direction and implementing. Where are we? Where do we need to be? How do we get there? The key is to win hearts and minds along the way
Breaking the Mould The Need to Change Are you a Dinosaur?or are you a butterfly? It is essential that agencies work collaboratively in order to develop better and more integrated health, social care and accommodation strategies
The Use of Resources Programme Four work-streams: Re-ablement Voice of the customer Financial modelling tool / website Accommodation work-stream Plan to meet the future demographic changes Meet the financial expectations of the DOH use of resources paper, through changing the balance of accommodation support options Generate cashable savings over the next 10 years
What do Older People Want Customer views need to be incorporated into any redesign Customers place high importance on: Control over what they want, where they live and who they live with Transportation / accessibility Reliable and affordable services Keeping in touch with family and friends and being safe
Use of Resources – Improvement Opportunities Summary For Customer Focus with Cornwall, North Somerset and Gloucestershire Transformational efficiency savings of between 10% and 30% are achievable for each local authority in the South West. For an average size social care organisation of 350 FTEs this equates to potential ongoing savings of between £1.2m and £3.7m per annum
Use of Resources – Improvement Opportunities Summary For Reablement with Dorset, Wiltshire, Bristol, Bournemouth & Cornwall Potential ongoing savings between £180,000 and £230,000 per annum, even within a well-run Reablement team. Potential to save an average of £250,000 on overall care costs in year one by fully implementing Reablement across your authority, rising to £1.4m in year two and beyond.
Use of Resources – Improvement Opportunities Summary For Accommodation, with Gloucestershire, North Somerset, Somerset, Devon and Torbay Annualised ongoing saving opportunities ranging from £1m to £10m per annum. By changing the balance of accommodation support, consolidation of the provider base, integration of adult social care and supporting functions and the reduction of waste in the delivery of care packages.
Development of a South West Housing Support Unit (HSU) Provides practical support and assistance to authorities developing an informed plan for achieving better housing options for older, vulnerable people Will respond to the TASC and efficiency agendas by providing capacity to examine strategies to: Reduce the use of residential care by developing new ECH or other housing schemes Re-model or make better use of existing sheltered housing Develop core and cluster provision and new models of housing care and support services
The Aims of the HSU For every local authority to have an informed plan for older person’s services To offer support to ensure implementation of agreed actions and effective use of resources To advise, share good practice/solutions, and identify innovative models that fit A definition of an informed plan is the reconfiguration of housing, care and support services to older people over the period, April 2011 – March 2013, to achieve more effective personalised and cost efficient services
Implementation Phase Building on the work so far This will involve working with South West local authorities to: Develop proposals with local/national housing associations/developers to deliver new extra care housing Support authorities to shift from what is described as ‘care land’ to ‘community land’ To support authorities to make better use of both their and housing association’s housing stock
Implementation Phase Building on the work so far To support authorities to develop alternative forms of care, support and accommodation rather than traditional institutionalised care To support authorities to take forward the work of the UoR accommodation programme Work with authorities to identify schemes for older people that could be included in the proposed 4 year Homes and Communities Agency ( HCA) programme for
Care Land Community Land Warning! Older people Community and peer group support
Supporting Toolkits Integrating care & support plus model contract specification. A financial model for Extra Care. Making best use of sheltered housing, an independent living service model. From care land to community land. The Use of Resources accommodation work stream. A model of extra care integrating health and social care funding. A private sector model of development
Contact Details James Cawley - - Pat Palmer - -