We knew we were in trouble and had to do something. Many parts of the organisation were doing good things (and some not so good things) for the environment We did not have a clear overall picture of what impact our organisation and its operations were having on the environment or what we could, should and were doing to eliminate, reduce or manage these impacts
Some help was at hand and came in the form of the publication A Sustainable Development Strategy for NHSScotland April 2009 This document laid out the way forward for NHS Boards and introduced tools and guidance on how to progress - NHS Ayrshire & Arran Established a Sustainable Development Team. Appointed a Board Environmental Management Representative. Developed a Board Sustainable Development Statement. Registered with the Good Corporate Citizenship Assessment Model and using this toolkit carried out a baseline assessment, and GAP analysis. Developed an overall Action plan and is developing 6 thematic action plans to address the GAP. Used Corporate GREENCODE to develop an Environmental Management System and has achieved ISO at Ailsa Hospital Ayr.
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT STATEMENT NHS Ayrshire & Arran will endeavour to ensure that its activities are consistent with the principles of environmentally sustainable development and commits itself to continual environmental improvement and prevention of pollution to ensure the healthiest life possible for the people of Ayrshire and Arran. Objectives Ensure that NHS Ayrshire & Arran is an exemplar of good practice in environmental issues in line with the Scottish Governments “Greener” strategic objective “to improve Scotland’s natural and built environment and the sustainable use and enjoyment of it”. Implement an effective environmental management system (EMS) through which NHS Ayrshire & Arran can continually improve its environmental and sustainability performance. Establish a robust audit, review and reporting system on sustainability performance. Integrate environmental, sustainable and social considerations into all business decisions including clinical decisions and procurement of goods and services. Raise employees’ awareness of environmental and sustainability issues and provide appropriate training to ensure effective implementation within their normal duties.
Establish appropriate environmental and sustainability performance indicators with associated improvement targets based on current best practice. Commit to developing environmental and sustainable initiatives with local communities, Local Authorities, Agencies, patients and the public. Promote sustainability through waste minimisation and the prudent use of energy, water, transport, materials and other physical resources. Adopt best practice for conservation of biodiversity, prevention of pollution, land management and reduction of environmental damage. Encourage and ensure high environmental and sustainability standards from suppliers and contractors by using those whose environmental and sustainability policies are compatible with our own.
The web based tool GOOD CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP ASSESSMENT MODEL Was used by the Board to measure where we were on the whole issue of Sustainable development and help us quantify what had to be done for 6 areas Buildings Community Engagement Workforce Transport Procurement Facilities Management
GCCAM - Progress
There are some very real challenges around getting the action plans together and progressed Departments do not have the time or resources to deal with sustainable development they have got savings targets to meet Sustainable development is seen as another beauracratic burden with no value Sustainable development is not recognised as everyones responsibility but is seen for example as only Facilities Managements responsibility
We set out to develop the thematic action plans from existing groups plans making sustainable development business as usual for strategic groups. Actions are being developed based on maximum return on minimum inputs or strategic plans which have acceptable returns on investment There is a communications strategy being developed to ensure that all staff patients and visitors have the opportunity to participate in the process providing ideas and feed back.
The work continues ! The link to the GOOD CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP Site is: The slides are available to all and copies of a summary of the thematic action plans for Procurement and Transport and the policy statement are included in the handouts. If anyone wishes to discuss this further my is Tel: