School Funding Reform 24 th May 2012
Reformed Funding System Simple and transparent to allow funding for Academies on the same basis as maintained schools No changes to the DSG calculations for Local Authorities – same funding value continues Changes to the calculation of the DSG excludes Alternate provision and Pupil referral unit pupils Movement of the funding census from January to October Using the 2012 DSG a base rate to be funded using the October census for schools only Issues about duplicate pupils and pupils on AP may affect the per pupil funding level MFG simplified and set at -1.5% for 2 years LACSEG deleted but the delegation of certain funding will be required Ratio of primary and secondary not imposed until but needs to be calculated
. Islington formula CurrentProposed DFEImpact AWPUDifferent rates based on ages 1 rate primary and 1 or 2 secondary 60% of funding on base allocation Limited PremisesSq footageNot included unless PFI or exceptional and split site Affect on small schools in large buildings Lump sumsDifferent rates per phase of school 1 lump sum limit up to £150KPrevious grant funding Looked after Children Not in formula – mobility funded separately Data to be provided by the DFE by the end of April DeprivationPrior attainment, FSMs, mobility, Ethnicity FSMs and IDACI Both Deprivation and High Incidence to be at least 80% of funding EAL limited to 3 years Mobility and Ethnicity not permitted. Limit on EAL data may affect secondary schools High Incidence SEN Prior attainment, FSMs, mobility, Ethnicity FSMs, IDACI and Prior attainment Level 3 and below in both English and Maths and FSP, for year 1 and year 7
Factors not allowed in the local formula Roll protection Mobility Ethnicity Organisation Exceptional needs (Special) Threshold Transport (Special and PRU) Prior attainment other than those listed School Action and School Action + *
Amounts of funding for each factor Basic entitlement proposed 60% Proposed pupil led including SEN and deprivation 80% of the funding Current figures are overall 60% in primary and secondary No mention of Nursery Schools Special schools to be funded at £10K per place plus top ups – modelled to current budgets with allowance for a reduction of -1.5% of budgets in cash terms
Current funding AllocationPrimarySecondaryAll MaintainedProposed Allocation AWPUs (incl Additional Delegation) 48.02%56.26%50.68%Base Rate Curriculum Protection 9.31%1.16%5.99%Lump sum Free School Meals - catering 2.91%2.11%2.59%Deprivation Deprivation/ AEN 4.35%2.53%3.61%Deprivation Threshold 1.75%3.08%2.28%Base Rate Mobility 0.15%0.09%0.13%Deprvation EAL 0.30%0.24%0.27%EAL EYSFF (Prim) 6.74% N/A Prior Attainment (Sec) 0.00%0.72% Deprivation SEN - high incidence / Add'l Delegation 2.29%3.45%3.05%High Incidence SEN - low incidence 4.12%0.53% Low Incidence Organisation 0.11%0.73%0.39%Base rate and Lump sum Premises 5.99%5.82%6.06%Base rate and Lump sum less LSC elements -0.64% N/A Roll Protection 0.15%0.74%0.46%? Small School Protection 0.10% Base Rate Previous SFs Grants 13.50%17.71%15.16% Deprivation % high Incidence, EAL and Lump sums LSC Allocation 5.47% N/A Percentage Base Rate 55.96%65.89%59.41%60% proposed Deprivation/ AEN 20.91%23.17%21.49%Assumes all grant is Deprivation SEN - high incidence / Add'l Delegation2.29%3.45%3.05% Total Pupil Led79.16%92.51%83.94%80% Proposed
Funding which must be delegated Threshold funding – already delegated practical learning Funding for meals – possible implications for universal school meals Extended services to be reviewed with secondary schools and options for pooling of budgets a possibility
Funding which can be centrally retained Allocation of contingencies Support for schools in financial difficulties Free school meal administration Insurance* Maternity* Licences* Trade union facility time NQT supply cover Behaviour support* Support for EMAS and underperforming groups* - £150K to be re-consulted upon Library Services Centrally retained services must still have a formula for allocation based on the restricted funding allocations *currently delegated All delegation to be modelled within the allowable formula and excluded from the MFG
MFG to be simplified Total budget less –SEN –Lump sums / pupil numbers October 2012 * -1.5% - pupil numbers October 2013 MFG not to apply to Special Schools Schools forum to agree the percentage protection to fund the expected increase in the MFG In order to manage turbulence protection on gains is also to be agreed – new delegation will be excluded from these calculations
School Forum No lower limit on members – currently 15 Right of attendance for Officers and members restricted Voting rights - on the schools formula only schools and PVI All schools and providers to be consulted on the changes to the formula for 2013
High Cost Pupils Special school places at £10,000 Budgets to be reworked so that top up matches the budget Additional data returns required for all pupils in AP and PRUs PRU budget delegated on a model worked as Special schools but £8000 per pupil LAs to decide on the level of funding provided by mainstream schools – DFE proposes £6000 To review additional funding for mainstream schools where there are high numbers of SEN pupils Consultation will be required with post 16 providers as well as LA schools and Academies and neighbouring Authorities Recoupment will go and termly payments will be required directly to schools – much more bureaucratic Review of the numbers of places required from 2013 in AP and Special schools with a data return to schools
High Needs Block Delegated budgets of Special Schools and units in mainstream schools Centrally funded provision for individual pupils SEN support services Support for inclusion Independent school fees - - implications for Joint agency Panels Inter – authority recoupment – calculations for DSG may impact on funding SEN transport Any other central budgets relating to Special schools Post 16 expenditure - SEN Additions to budgets for pupils aged in FE colleges and ISPs SEN Early years Calculations on the numbers of funded places in high needs provision