1.Who is NCDV and what do we do? 2.Contacting us 3.What happens when a call is received? 4.Legal Aid assessment 5.Completing the paperwork 6.Going to court 7.Serving the papers 8.How long does it take?
Before we start What we do – Non Molestation Orders Occupation Orders Prohibitive Steps Orders Established 2002 Obtained over 30,000 injunctions Currently obtaining 29% of all UK injunctions Receive 6000 calls per month Trained over 5000 McKenzie friends Trained over 8500 Police Officers
Contacting us FREE PHONE TEXT Refer Direct Web site POLICEAGENCIES Referrals Head Office Guildford Refer Direct App
What happens when a call is received? FIRST STEPS TEAM RISK ASSESSMENT ON NOTICE WARNING LETTER Legal Advice General Support Women’s Aid Refuge WITHOUT NOTICE Emergency Application Family Law Act Recent act 10 days max Bail conditions Existing Solicitor Association
Legal Aid assessment – Funding the application Online Civil Legal Aid Calculator Full Legal Aid Contribution Legal Aid Contribution unaffordable Contribution accepted Paperwork Only McKenzie Friend Court Solicitors How much is a Non Molestation order?
New regulations Any family proceedings legal aid requires (e.g. child contact/residence/divorce) Evidence of Domestic Violence Evidence What has changed ? MOJ takes over Legal Aid from LSC MARAC Doctor Conviction Caution Social Refuge Non-Mol What is needed ?
Trained staff/solicitors/barristers take statements Completing the paperwork Checked and double checked “Read back to applicant” Sent to Solicitor / McKenzie friend “Text message to applicant” Statement questionnaire Respondent Information Witness Statement Notice of Action Means 1 Means 2 FL401 App3 C100 C1A
Going to court Mapping softwareMeet solicitor at most convenient court Hearing approx min Order granted Applicant Local court to applicant Local solicitor to applicant S
Keeping the Applicant updated Serving the papers Court Order granted Process server (Retired Police) Service attempted Service successful 85% within 24 hours Deliver order to local police station ASSIST Database Auto /text
Initial call Risk assessment Statement taking Drafting Paperwork Allocating a Court Engaging a solicitor Court Appearance Serving the order Time of process
Summary 1.Contacting us 3.Legal Aid assessment 4.Drafting the paperwork 5.Going to court 2.What happens when a call is received 6. Time for process 7. Investments: Mapping Software Assist Database Refer Direct Mobile App
Best way to refer – easy to find us 1.Contacting us 3.Legal Aid assessment 4.Drafting the paperwork 5.Going to court 6.Mapping software 2.What happens when a call is received 7.Time for process