Salford Carers Strategy 2013-2016 Glyn Meacher – Integrated Commissioning Manager PRESENTATION TO CLUSTER 2 SCRUTINY SELECT COMMITTEE
Salford Carers Strategy Aim of presentation To share the contents of Carers Strategy To provide opportunity for comments and questions and on the contents of it, and its related action plan To outline the sign off process for the strategy
Salford’s Carers Strategy Salford's last carers strategy was developed in 2008 It has been developed following work undertaken by the previous Carers Strategy Board and feedback from consultation events It covers the period from 2013 - 2016 Strategy aims to identify our priorities to help improve the lives of carers in Salford List partners
What do we want for Carers in Salford Priorities are based on the Governments National Carers Strategy and a key priority of the previously completed Young Carers Strategy Supporting those with caring responsibilities to identify themselves as carers at an early stage, recognising the value of their contribution and involving them from the onset both in designing local care provision and in planning individual care packages Enabling those with caring responsibilities to fulfil their educational and employment potential Personalised support both for carers and those they support, enabling them to have a family and community life Supporting carers to remain mentally and physically well Protecting Young Carers from the impact of caring
Key headings – Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Carers Salford’s overall population is 233,933 The population is expected to rise to 252,000 by 2017 and 280,000 by 2027 The older persons population is expected to rise to 43,800 by 2020 from the 33,100 it was in 2011 There is expected to be an average 7% rise in the number of adults with a disability by the year 2020 All of which will lead to an increase in the number of carers in Salford.
Carers in Salford The number of carers in Salford increased from 22,445 to 23,402 between 2001 and 2011, a slight reduction from 10.4% - 10% of the population. These figures are similar to the national picture The numbers of carers providing unpaid care for over 50 hours a week increased from 5,709 – 6,449 in the same time period The ethnicity of carers is believed to be similar to that of Salford’s overall population with White British (93.7%), White Irish (1.7%), Jewish (2.5%), Black (0.4%), Asian (1%), Arabic (0.4%) and Other White Background (0.2%)
What is the impact of caring The 2013 State of caring survey found Almost a third (31%) of those caring for 35 hours or more per week receive no practical support with caring. Over half (56%) of carers who gave up work to care spent or have spent over 5 years out of work as a result. More than 4 in 10 (44%) of carers surveyed have been in debt as a result of caring. 84% of carers surveyed said that caring has a negative impact on their health, up from 74% in 2011-12
Carers in Salford The 2012/13 Personal Social Services Carers Survey found 75% of people found information easy to come by, a reduction from the 2011/12 survey of 78.6% 79.2% of people reported that they had been included or consulted about the person they cared for in consultations. 48.7% of people reported that they were satisfied with the support or services that they or the person they cared for had received in the last 12 months, a reduction from 49.7% in the previous survey
Priority 1 - Identify carers early and make sure they are involved in getting the best support at the right time To fit the delivery of carers support into the neighbourhood management and Community Committee structures in the City To provide information and advice on welfare and employment To review the policies for Carer's on an annual basis, in order to ensure best practice and fit with changing Government legislation To improve the provision of information available for carers in the City maximising the use of technology, and social media
Priority 2 - Carers have good employment and education experiences To improve the provision of employment and training advice to carers To improve the provision of targeted information to carers on employment and training support and increase access to employment support for carers To develop and deliver additional training courses for carers To encourage all employers in Salford to have policies which support carers.
Priority 3 - Carers get support for themselves and the people they care for To improve the Carers Personal Budget scheme To review and re-commission the current Carers emergency card scheme To help Carers services offering breaks to become self financing, and for people to be able to access these services through using their own money, including Carers Personal Budgets and Direct Payments To target carers support services to carers of people with specific conditions To increase the opportunities for volunteers to support carers and the cared for To increase the number of carers who are supported by assistive technology
Priority 4 – Carers will be supported to remain mentally and physically well To devise and deliver a programme enhancing the information provided to carers on how to support individuals with specific long terms conditions. To increase the numbers of carers identified within Primary Care and further develop a system to ensure carers receive health checks To improve access to health appointments for carers across primary health care services To encourage health organisations to develop their own carers improvement plan
Priority 5 – To protect young people from inappropriate caring Increase awareness of Young Carers’ issues across all sectors Develop a young adult carers plan which includes action designed to support young carers make the transition to becoming adult carers Ensure greater recognition of, and response to Young Carer’s Issues in all schools Continue to improve processes within Adult Health and Social Care to identify service users who are parents, and identify potential young carers Increase awareness of the need to evaluate adult care packages ,and reduce excessive caring responsibilities for young carers Continue to develop and increase joint assessments and care planning across Children’s and Adults’ social care
Governance The draft strategy has been considered by the Integrated Engagement Board, Integrated Commissioning board, Assistant Mayors for Adult Social Care and services for Older People and for Health and Wellbeing It is still to be considered by the Assistant Mayor for Children and City Issues Once this round of consultation is complete, approval of the strategy will be via Salford Clinical Commissioning Group Project Management Group and the City Mayor Monitoring of the strategy will be through a new Carers Strategy Implementation group Annual report on progress will be considered by the Integrated Engagement and Integrated Commissioning Board