Liberating the NHS HealthWatch DH GATEWAY REF 16419
2 The national scene for HealthWatch Liberating the NHS: legislative framework and next steps set out a vision for NHS reforms and describes a system where: –patients and the public are at the heart of everything the NHS does –health and care outcomes in England are among the best in the world –clinicians are empowered to deliver results Health and Social Care Bill 2011 and recommendations from Future Forum
3 The national scene for HealthWatch HealthWatch will have a key role to play in enabling a reformed system to develop that: genuinely centred around patients 2.refuses to tolerate unsafe and substandard care 3.eliminates discrimination and inequalities transparent, with more accountability for results citizens more say in how the NHS is run much better across boundaries
4 Strengthening the voice of patients, users of services and the public and to help achieve this: –Local Involvement Networks (LINks) provide the foundation for Local HealthWatch organisations to be the local collective voice –HealthWatch England will be a new independent consumer champion for the national collective voice The national scene for HealthWatch
5 From LINKs to Local HealthWatch Continuity of existing arrangements… local authorities will have duty to deliver Local HealthWatch funding for new functions What will be different… move from influence to decision-making through a seat on health and wellbeing board help individuals as well as understand and present community views not only will views and experiences count locally – they will be used nationally by Secretary of State, Monitor, NHS Commissioning Board as well as Care Quality Commission (CQC) Local HealthWatch can employ its own staff
6 From LINks to Local HealthWatch – continuing LINk functions and acquiring new functions LOCAL HEALTHWATCH ‘local consumer voice for health and social care’ Influencing Help shape the planning of health and social care services signposting Help people access and make choices about care advisory Advocacy for individuals making complaints about healthcare Strong LOCAL consumer voice on views and experiences to influence better health and social care outcomes Respected, authoritative, influential, credible and very visible within the community from 2013/14 seat on the health and wellbeing board Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy scrutinising quality of service provision informing the commissioning decision-making process empowering people - helping people understand choice providing local, evidence based information representing the collective voice
7 HealthWatch England will be a new independent consumer champion for patients, users of services and the public located in the Care Quality Commission It will have a unique role, where it will –be constituted as a committee within CQC –have a Chair who will be a non-executive director of CQC –have its own identity within CQC –be able to utilise CQC’s expertise and infrastructure HealthWatch England
8 Strengthening the collective voice of patients and the public ‘Local champion voice’ Local HealthWatch Community groups, Voluntary organisations ‘National champion voice’ Monitor Carers health and well being board Local authority HealthWatch England The public and patient voice - their views and experiences - influencing better health and social care outcomes Older people Working age individuals Mental health Disability groups …othersBME groups OSC / scrutiny function NHS Commissioning Board DH – Secretary of State CQC GP consortia Providers Ombudsman Arrangements will ensure sharing of information to involve, consult and protect the public advisory influencing continuous dialogue
9 HealthWatch England will: –provide leadership and advice to Local HealthWatch organisations i.e. set operational standards, standard protocols –propose that CQC investigate poorly performing services i.e. importance of information flows and using local intelligence, acting on poor outcomes –advise Secretary of State, NHS Commissioning Board, English local authorities, Monitor and CQC itself – and have a response i.e. helping to understand clinical and care standards to understand the quality of care people should be getting The national relationship between Department of Health, HealthWatch England and CQC
10 What relationships need building and strengthening… Health and wellbeing board – stronger role, capacity to join up and make commissioning decisions; different role and skills for HealthWatch; ensuring Local HealthWatch is inclusive and diverse representing its communities i.e. working with other groups to ensure all voices are heard including seldom heard people, carers, children and young people, parents etc Clinical Commissioning Groups and providers i.e. engaging and helping them to understand how to use patient and public voice in their commissioning decisions volunteers i.e. capability and tapping into local expertise from voluntary and community groups From LINKs to Local HealthWatch
11 Pathfinders and action learning sets Building for continuous learning and development and doing this through putting in place a programme of support: –LINks to be involved in an action learning set to create an action learning network –Partnerships of LINks and local authorities acting as HealthWatch pathfinders to test out aspects of Local HealthWatch and share learning –DH and CQC working collaboratively with stakeholders who are members of the HealthWatch Advisory Group to deliver the HealthWatch programme
12 Pathfinders and action learning sets An action learning set… –enables peer support and development i.e. LINks doing well can share their success story to help other LINks establish new ways of working –DH is exploring expertise to support this –A HealthWatch pathfinder… –explores new ways of working –encourages relationship building between LINks, local authorities and community partnerships e.g. Clinical Commissioning Groups, for a sustainable future –is thematic, evaluative and adaptable
13 Welcome your thoughts and questions…