TAKING DONCASTER CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE’S SERVICE FORWARD Schools, Children and Young People’s Overview and Scrutiny Panel Thursday 25th February 2010
INTERVENTION APA 2008 – ‘Inadequate’ (& CAA 2009) Safeguarding: procedures and practice timeliness of assessments private fostering serious case reviews Children in Care: outcomes fostering children’s homes; Education: attainment – secondary schools/GCSE post 16 qualifications absenteeism. Diagnostic Review - Cambridge Associates
PROGRESS Improvement Plan and Board Interim Leadership and Change Teams Great deal of progress in last six months Fostering inspection Children’s Homes inspections Serious Case Review evaluation Unannounced Safeguarding Inspection PIs
OVERVIEW Overall performance still very poor Organisation remains weak Need to: focus on those things that will build the platform for continuous improvement accelerate pace of change and improvement urgently secure change and project management resources
KEY AREAS OF FOCUS Areas for improvement highlighted in 2008 APA and 2009 CAA Develop organisation that is fit for purpose Strategic direction – focus on those things that will make the biggest difference to the quality of children and young people’s lives
APA/CAA ISSUES Safeguarding Children in Care Services and outcomes Education Secondary and post 16 attainment Absenteeism
FIT FOR PURPOSE ORGANISATION Clarity on responsibilities and accountabilities - Who does what? How do things get done? Modern, simple, clear, cohesive structure Clear, well understood, responsive business processes Capacity and capability Effective use of resources Performance – culture and systems
STRATEGIC DIRECTION What will make the biggest difference to the quality of children and young people’s lives? Process of engagement with partners and stakeholders – Children’s Trust Key priorities e.g. education, family life, domestic abuse Children and Young People’s Plan
STRATEGIC APPROACH Safeguarding Getting out of Intervention Budget and Resources Organisational Capacity and Capability Vision and Engagement
PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project management resources needed for all 5 work programmes Project resources required urgently Funded by DCSF
IMPROVEMENT PLAN A vision for children and young people’s services in Doncaster Strategies and actions to improve those areas identified in the 2008 APA and the 2009 CAA A strategy for strengthening organisational capacity, capability and systems
STRUCTURE Proposed new management structure Clear rational organize the Service in a way that best enables us to improve children and young people’s outcomes simple integrated and cohesive Started consultation Detailed structures to follow
SENIOR MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE Director Assistant Director Commissioning & Performance Assistant Director Learning & Schools Assistant Director Children, Young People & Families
STRUCTURE - FUNCTIONS Commissioning & Performance Learners & Schools Children, Young People and Families Performance & Management Performance Children, Young People’s and Families Advocacy Policy and Partnerships Commissioning: Early Years, Education, Post 16, Health and Social Care Contracts Children and Families Information Safeguarding Standards Workforce Development School Improvement: Early Years, Primary, Secondary, Post 16 Attendance and Behaviour Support Special Educational Needs, Education Psychology Service, Home to School Transport Governors Support Service Music Safeguarding: Referral and Assessment Children in Need and Child Protection Children in Care Integrated Disabilities Service Integrated Family Support Services Adult Family and Community Learning Children’s Centres Connexions Extended Services Family First Youth Offending Service Youth Service
BUDGET 2010/11 major investment in safeguarding - need to make reduction in other budget areas to fund this SCYP Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 28 January 2010 asked for an evaluation - impact assessment being undertaken including feedback from consultation on proposed structures Plan resources on a more medium to long term basis directing resources to strategic priorities value for money
SUMMARY Progress has been made However, overall performance is still very poor and organisation weak We need to: develop a fit for purpose organization develop a clear vision and strategic direction based on those actions that will make the biggest difference to the quality of the lives of the children and young people focus on those things that will build the platform for continuous improvement and not attempt to do all that needs doing at once accelerate the pace of change and improvement urgently secure change and project management resources Strategic approach - 5 main work programmes Modern, cohesive, simple and clear organizational and management structure Urgently need to secure substantial change and project management resources, funded by DCSF Budget - impact assessment; medium term strategy and plan - value for money, direct resources to priorities