Human Performance Challenges of Social Intrepreneurism Paul O. Hardt, Ed.D.
Core Faculty Member, Training and Performance Improvement Specialization Capella University 30+ years experience in the Training and Performance Improvement field Co-facilitator, (shop) at Target Corp. Headquarters, Minneapolis
Lessons Learned from… at Target Corporation and 30+ years experience in the human performance improvement field
What does it mean…..? The Hard Stuff is the Easy Stuff The Soft Stuff is the Hard Stuff
Overview Management Decision-making Styles Force Field Analysis Behavioral Engineering Model Communicating Change
Management Decision-making Styles Normative Behavioral Naturalistic
Assess Decision-making Styles
Force Field Analysis Barrier Forces Driving Forces
Economics Regulatory Competition Ethics Recruitment Customer pressure
Barrier Forces Cost Time Motivation Values
Strategy for Dealing with Resistance (Barriers) Take Away The Barriers
Behavioral Engineering Model Thomas Gilbert
Behavioral Engineering Model EnvironmentalInformationResources, ToolsIncentives IndividualKnowledge, SkillCapacityMotivation
Environment: Information
Environment: Resources, Tools
Environment: Incentives
Individual: Knowledge, Skill
Individual: Capacity
Individual: Motivation
Communicating Change
Roller Coaster of Change
Dormant Relative Advantage Simplicity Compatibility Adaptability Social Impact
Contact Information Paul O. Hardt, Ed.D. Core Faculty Member Capella University