What are we trying to do? Create a Sustainable Learning Community We are working to get local people, employers, community groups and organisations working together in partnership to create a vibrant and thriving learning community for Cam and Dursley.
The Vision A place where people value learning & can see its benefits people value learning & can see its benefits local people and employers influence how learning is designed & delivered local people and employers influence how learning is designed & delivered local partnerships make sure local learning needs are understood & met local partnerships make sure local learning needs are understood & met people are proud of their community people are proud of their community
Key Elements learning health check - survey learning health check - survey trying out opportunities Learning Plan trying out opportunities Learning Plan learning champions learning champions raising the profile of learning raising the profile of learning membership membership skills for life and NVQs skills for life and NVQs Local Partnerships Local Partnerships sustainability and the future sustainability and the future
Key Agencies involved TLC Partnership Partnership TUCYOT Lister Petter Renishaw Stroud Valleys Project Stroud College Connexions Next Step Youth Service Sure Start Social Services Rednock School Job Centre May Lane Surgery GL11 Community Project
Learning Champions local people local people committed and keen committed and keen employed and not employed and not promoting learning promoting learning recruiter training recruiter training consulting consulting
Raising the Profile regular media updates regular media updates branding branding membership Scheme membership Scheme give it a go roadshows - ALW give it a go roadshows - ALW T-shirts, banners, balloons and bugs! T-shirts, banners, balloons and bugs!
Give it a Go Roadshows School Fetes, Launches and School Fetes, Launches and Town Festival Adult Learner celebration event Adult Learner celebration event Taster Activities and S4L Taster Activities and S4L
Skills for Life and NVQs SkillsForLife NVQinitiatives CommunityVenues Short courses YoungPeople Move On Test the Town Volunteers
Local Partnerships Children and Young People HealthyCommunities Safer, Stronger Communities Economic Development Economic Development And Enterprise
Sustainability re-directing existing resources re-directing existing resources embedding what works embedding what works disseminating the model disseminating the model plan for continuation of TLC plan for continuation of TLC absorption into mainstream absorption into mainstream