Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 The Saltaire Environmental Capacity Study: its role in the conservation of Outstanding Universal Value Craig McHugh World Heritage Site Officer City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Overview History, Location, Outstanding Universal Value World Heritage and Development Management Environmental Capacity Study –Background, Purpose & Methodology –In Use: Day-to-day, Projects, Long-term management, Future
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 History, Location & Outstanding Universal Value
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 History
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Location – suburban Bradford
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Outstanding Universal Value Criterion (ii): Saltaire is an outstanding and well preserved example of a mid 19th century industrial town, the layout of which was to exert a major influence on the development of the "garden city" movement. It had an influence far beyond its time period or locality
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Outstanding Universal Value Criterion (iv): The layout and architecture of Saltaire admirably reflect mid 19th century philanthropic paternalism, as well as the important role played by the textile industry in economic and social development. One of the best preserved examples of its kind in the world
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Boundary
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Buffer Zone
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 World Heritage and Development Management for Saltaire
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council Regeneration ■ Adult and Community Services ■ Children's Services ■ Corporate Services Culture, Tourism and Sport ■ Environment and Neighbourhoods ■ Performance and Commissioning Department of Regeneration Planning ■ Transportation & Highways ■ Asset Management ■ Economic Development ■ Housing Planning Service Design & Countryside ■ Development Management ■ Building Control ■ Local Development Framework Design & Countryside Group Design & Conservation ■ Landscape Design ■ Countryside & Rights of Way Design and Conservation Team Listed Buildings 5800 ■ Conservation Areas 59 ■ Historic Parks 12 ■ World Heritage Sites 1
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 World Heritage Site Officer Planning roles –Advice to owners on alterations and repairs –Consultations on applications in the Buffer Zone –Planning applications and Listed Building Consents in Saltaire Non-Planning roles –Project work –Co-ordination/ representation: management meetings –Management and Monitoring: Management Plan, Monitoring surveys
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Management Structure Officer Group Council Officers Conservation, Highways, Tourism etc Project Team Local stakeholders Councillors, residents, businesses, college Advisory Board Senior Council Members and Officers, Regional and national stakeholders English Heritage, Tourist Board etc Team Leader Design & Conservation (delegated powers) Chair is member of Area Planning Panel Assistant Director Planning (Chair) Portfolio holder Project Team Chair Team Leader Design & Conservation Planning Overlap
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Planning at Bradford Area Planning Panel (Shipley) Design & Conservation Team Listed Building Consents Minor Planning Apps Consultations on selected Planning Apps Major Development Team Major Planning Apps Householder Team District Team Minor Planning Apps in the Buffer Zone
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 World Heritage Site Policy (saved from Revised UDP) Policy S/BH14 There will be a presumption in favour of the preservation of the World Heritage Site and its setting. Development which would adversely affect the character, appearance, setting or views into or out of the World Heritage Site will not be permitted therefore: Within the boundary of the World Heritage Site… applicants will be required to demonstrate that full account has been taken of the impact of their proposals upon the World Heritage Site and its setting and that their scheme will have no adverse affect upon it. Within the Buffer Zone… development which would be likely to adversely affect views into or out of the World Heritage Site will only be permitted where a suitable program of mitigation is proposed... The World Heritage Site is also entirely within the Saltaire Conservation Area (designated 1971) and all buildings of significance are Listed (1985). Further protection is provided by District-wide policies relating to the built heritage, design and landscape character
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Environmental Capacity Study
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Background & Purpose Need identified in 2000 Management Plan to aid the long-term management of the Site Study commissioned by Bradford Council in 2005 Undertaken by Atkins Heritage Completed 2006 and awarded RTPI Heritage Award Purpose To evaluate the level and type of change that the WHS and its setting could accommodate Recommend a series of monitoring indicators that could be used to aid the long-term management of the Site Enable positive change to take place
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Method Environmental Capacity “The ability of the environment of a place to accommodate specific types of change or development without degrading its special interest, character, fabric or setting.” Identify key values of the Site – Fabric, Character, Quality of Life Understand issues and threats to those values – Traffic, Tourism, Development Assess the relative nature of the threat – Minor, Moderate, Significant Establish monitoring indicators for those of greatest concern Study developed with public consultation Working group Council Officers, Chair of Project Team, English Heritage
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 In Use: day-to-day Development Management Few sites for development within the World Heritage Site boundary due to density of original design Buildings of significance are all listed Potential threat to the OUV from Development in the Setting of the Site Comprehensive survey of the Setting undertaken as part of the ECS
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Setting analysis Views out of and across the Site Distant views to the Site Key backdrops for the views Approaches and gateways to the Site Historically related features Detractors
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Views within and out of the Site
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Approaches and Gateways
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Immediate Setting
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Development Management Consultations ECS analysis of Setting is used to inform Development Management consultations All applications in the immediate setting Major applications in the rest of the Buffer Zone Majority of minor cases “no impact” Saving in officer time, focus effort were an impact is likely
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Salt Grammar redevelopment
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Previous building
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 New building
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Visual Impact Assessment
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 In use: Projects
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Saltaire Roundabout
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 In use: long term management Fabric Survey – rapid street-based assessment of the authenticity and condition of buildings Informing Guidance to owners Enforcement action Long term conservation
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Future use: Management Plan Revision 1. Description the setting, views, approaches 2. Evaluation values identified in ECS plus others 3. Threats and Opportunities 4. Policies for management 5. Implementation and Monitoring Environmental Capacity Study
Department of Regeneration – making great places Planning and World Heritage – 2 nd March 2010 Full document and Executive Summary online Interested in visiting? Saltaire Festival 9 th -19 th September