+ Setting up an intergenerational project – “I’m not very good at Art.”
+ Establishing links with John Wycliffe Primary school Adapting the original project brief Existing link with the school Lessons for next time
+ Preparing the schoolchildren and older residents Anne and Julie at St. Mary’s John Wycliffe Primary school teaching assistants Lessons for next time
+ Sessions with the children Buddies Permission slips Desert islands, ‘'Touch Tables’; historical objects; developed, designing and making a brand new food product; writing and performing a mini advert to camera Changes along the way and ideas for the future
+ Problems or barriers Age related condition (eyesight, hearing, Dementia) Giving money
+ Outcomes Greater participation & social interaction amongst staff and residents Reduction in social isolation Improved mental and physical well being Sense of achievement through the creation of reminiscence based artwork Increased confidence Introduction to new interests & continuation of previous interests To be followed up by Gill Phillps and the “Whose Shoes?” personalisation game Legacy
+ Outcomes continued … Ron and James “I’m not very good at Art.’ Quotes from St. Mary’s ‘I’ve enjoyed the project, but it has highlighted for me how much my eyesight and hearing have deteriorated recently. I wish I could’ve done more.” “I’ve loved being around the children.” Quotes from John Wycliffe Primary School children ‘I really enjoyed last week. I wish we could eat the cake.’ (made the Valentine cake) ‘ I really enjoyed working with Lucy and Katie. I enjoyed painting and drawing and talking.’ ‘I enjoyed making the magic cake with Kath.’ ‘I enjoyed talking to my buddy.’
+ Tips for setting up an intergenerational project Full team meeting with all organisations involved (inc. a resident) Invest in a boom pole and keep the camcorder/camera close by at all times Make sure photos are taken with good cameras and not phones so images are high enough quality to print and use in publications. Climate! Large font print outs 4:1 staff to participant ratio Be there at least ten minutes early – good impressions count Make sure all your arts materials are out and prepared ready to go The key to a successful project is it being well planned, well organised, communicating well with all involved and then letting participants lead the way.
+ For me the Art Project has been amazing in more ways than one! The impact it has had on residents and children that took part was both positive and heart warming. I'm sure I will be hearing feedback for a long while to come. It is often a topic of conversation and only ever in a positive way - maybe the only negative point is that the project has had to end :( When I first heard St. Mary's house was to be part of the project I had reservations that it would work, Boy, was I wrong. With the guidance from Katherine and Winsome and the enthusiasm of all those who took part, the Art Project in my opinion has been a brilliant success all round. Anne Frewin (Team Leader) St. Mary's House Lutterworth.
exhibition venues and dates 14 th August – 28 th August (St. Mary’s - private) 28 th August – 14 th September (John Wycliffe school - private) 14 th September - 28 th September (St. Mary’s church) 28 th September to 4 th October (Lutterworth Library) 4 th October (one evening only at The Hinckley and Bosworth Arts Network) 4 th October – 2 nd November (Atkins building foyer)
+ Book and DVD If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the book/DVD at £10 per copy, please contact Katherine Brown on: (07908) Details will be on the blog ( Orders must be placed and paid for by Friday 14 th September