Good Practice Guidelines Working Protocol in the London Borough of Hillingdon ‘Trafficked’ Children.


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Presentation transcript:

Good Practice Guidelines Working Protocol in the London Borough of Hillingdon ‘Trafficked’ Children

Working with children who may have been ‘Trafficked’ The London Borough of Hillingdon have developed good practices guidelines over a significant period of time. Emphasis is on safeguarding all children regardless of asylum status. Work from premise that all arrivals represent a financial ‘debt’ to someone.

Effective Safeguarding All children must have a protection plan in place All children must have gone through age screening Effective information sharing with colleagues from Borders and Immigration and Police. See Social Services and B&I referral forms.

Social work staff conduct joint assessments with B&I colleagues Ensure that B&I ‘invite’ social workers airside for joint assessment. Increases quality of information Immediate use of an interpreter Allows age screening to take place Allows protection plan to be drawn up.

Age Screening Immediately identifies key issues Allows sight of relevant documents Allows full assessment to begin clarity Reduces impact of ‘late’ age dispute claims Reduces likelihood of ‘adults’ being placed with vulnerable children

Protection Plans Address immediate safety on leaving airport Mobile Phones/telephone numbers Instructions to carers. Search luggage. Give information to young person re trafficking.

Strategy Meetings Keep up with changing picture Sharing Intelligence Status of case, role of Police Ensuring all checks are made Future care planning

Assessing ‘Parents’ Adults often come forward No proof Value of supporting documents Assess separately via matching information Complete checks Evaluate information Inform relevant authorities if ‘re-uniting’

Relaxing Protection Plans First few days are most significant Protection Plans reviewed at two weeks Status of any formal investigations Replace by LAC care plan Formalise at first LAC review

Missing Children Presents major challenge in terms of reporting Procedures for ‘local’ children inadequate Requires multi-agency safeguarding approach Need to collect ‘intelligence’ Importance of leaflets

Role of LSCB Formation of trafficking sub-group Involvement of local and national partners Importance of collating information to inform national debate via CEOP, ECPAT. And finally…learning is continual and no one has all the answers!