Landlord Forum 8 June 2011 WELCOME
Agenda 1. Welcome and introductions. 2. Update regarding the ongoing changes to Housing Benefit – Rob Wolfe, Principal Benefits Officer. 3. Presentation from the Valuation Office Agency about the work of the Lettings Research Team – Stephen Plummer and Sara Davies. 4. Presentation from John Spode about Fire Safety visits - Fire Safety Officer (Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service). 5. Discussion about Landlord Accreditation Schemes – All 6. Closing comments/Questions from the audience
1.Welcome and introductions.
2.Housing Benefit update Rob Wolfe Benefits Manager SBC/CCDC
3.The Lettings Research Team Stephen Plummer and Sarah Davies Valuation Office Agency
4.Fire Safety Visits John Spode Fire Safety Officer Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service
5.Landlord Accreditation in Stafford Karen Gilliatt Principal EHO SBC
6.Closing Comments and questions from the audience. Date of the next forum – 5 October 2011 Venue to be confirmed. Thank you for attending this evening, Have a safe journey home.