Area Panel / Forum Chair Vice Chair Councillors & Community Representatives Young People’s Representative Supported by Democratic Services Unit & Head of Neighbourhood Services
Role of Panel Members To submit views on behalf of the local community To assist with the identification of a theme for the Area Forum meetings To consider the allocation of funding to any applications that have been submitted for community-focused projects To attend four Panel meetings per year To attend four Forum meetings per year
Community Issues – Weed growth – Graffiti – Fly tipping – Litter – Dog fouling – Alley gates – Noise nuisance – etc etc etc Safer Cleaner Greener
Prioritisation of issues Panel ranks in priority order E.g. Fly tipping, dog fouling, weed growth Intelligence - Councillor surgeries & post bags - Community knowledge - Dialogue with Community Groups - PACT, Friends of...., Special Interest Groups, etc etc etc - Customer First – tel: etc etc etc
Monitoring: Dog Fouling No dog fouling present Mainly free of dog fouling with a few small traces Dog fouling is widespread Area has large amounts of dog foul with lots of piles building up
Monitoring: Weed growth No weeds or moss present Small weeds visible but would not trap litter or prevent cleaning Larger weed growth which would trap litter. Moss visible on footpath Extensive weed growth trapping litter and stopping it from easy removal
Monitoring: Fly Tipping No Fly tipping present Minor amounts of fly tipping which would not be immediately noticeable Significant amounts present (eg: car boot load) that would be visible to passers-by Extensive fly tipping (eg: lorry load) which would be visible from a distance
Panel Member role Identify Prioritise Monitor – Report back to Forum - via Chair Identify Prioritise Monitor – Report back to Forum – via Chair