Working Together Strategic Review of Community Safety 2009
Aim of Strategic Review No one agency can do this Integration Better Outcomes Stronger Community Safety Partnership Clear direction of travel Better targeting of investment Better management information The wider agenda
The Story so Far Strategic Review commissioned December 2008/2009 Development of theme papers Consultation process Development Plan Detailed action plan & Budget
Key messages from the consultation Stronger partnership Early intervention and education Cross cutting issues require cross cutting services Promoting confidence / empowering victims Engagement with local communities. Data management / analysis to improve information sharing. Longer term contractual arrangements with local funding flexibilities Effective strategic commissioning robust evidence strong consultation shared expected outcomes.
Key proposals Anti Social Behaviour Prolific and Priority Offenders Domestic Abuse Alcohol and Drug Interventions Programme Crime Analysis Governance, Partnership and Commissioning
Anti Social Behaviour: What is agreed Anti-social behaviour is best tackled at a local level through the range of specialist structures that operate at this level. Activity and resources to address anti-social behaviour should be co-ordinated through district CDRPs drawing on local knowledge and expertise. A countywide incident recording standard is required to enable monitoring and comparison.
Anti Social Behaviour: Key challenges for the future Joint commissioning of work or services which contribute to this agenda i.e. the provision of ASB related legal support by one specialised legal resource for Hampshire, mediation or intensive family support services. There is a need to establish a suitable mechanism by which those opportunities for improved coordination across the county can be identified and addressed.
Prolific and Priority Offenders: What is agreed Consistent delivery of PPO schemes Integrated PPO, DIP and Alcohol related offending (IOM) model, plus some ASB Improve access to support packages Enhanced communication and IT Combined teams, co-located or virtual Obtain local PPO data
Prolific and Priority Offenders: Key challenges for the future Consider partners commitments and reviews Existing contracts and resources LCJB to coordinate implementation Revised management structure Integrated Offender Management Agreed outcomes
Domestic Abuse: What is agreed Domestic Abuse County Coordinator Minimum service standards Unified service specifications Training IDVA provision – murder prevention Perpetrator programmes - intervention
Domestic Abuse: Key challenges for the future Education: professionals, the public, children & young people Levels of reporting and confidence Demand on existing services Resources / skills for professionals – including training Coordination of local initiatives and forums with county level work
Alcohol and Drug Interventions Programme: What is agreed ‘Integrated Offender Management’ (IOM) model Joint criminal justice intervention: substance misuse and PPOs. Parity between drug and alcohol services Alcohol ‘Brief Interventions’ [ABIs] Integrated countywide treatment system (Substance Misuse Strategic Review) Improved communication/co-ordination/access to data Education/prevention programmes for young people
Alcohol and Drug Interventions Programme: Key challenges for the future Maximising resources to deliver IOM model Meeting the treatment needs of an increasingly younger population Training the workforce to deliver Alcohol ‘Brief Interventions’ [ABIs]
Crime Analysis: What is agreed Strengthen CDRP analytical services To develop minimum standards for analysis of crime, disorder, ASB and substance related issues. Jointly develop and agree a specification for core analytical services. To develop a flexible and sustainable service which will meet the needs of all partners regardless of the level at which they operate. It is essential that the specification is based on need and the views of users.
Crime Analysis: Key challenges for the future Analytical support for the financial year 2010 – 2011 whilst options for capacity and efficiencies are reviewed. To seek economies within a single tender process while retaining local accountability and the flexibility to respond to local needs and demands.
Governance, Partnership and Commissioning