with libraries, registration & archives Digital by Default What it means for us connect
with libraries, registration & archives connect Government Policy Government’s aim for the majority of services and transactions to be ‘Digital by default’ by March 2015 ‘Assisted digital’ approach Single government online presence relaunched in Oct 2012 – GOV.UKGOV.UK Similar channel shift approach adopted at local government level
with libraries, registration & archives connect Welfare reform Why? Implementation - Phased between 2013 and 2017 Benefit cap & Size criteria - From April 2013 DLA change to PIP - From April 2013 for new claims from working age people Universal Credit (more on next slide) – From April 2013 for Pathfinders, national roll out from October 2013 Social Fund
with libraries, registration & archives connect Universal Credit Payable to non-working and some working people Paid monthly, not fortnightly Income taper: 65p withdrawn for every £1 earned but preceded by an income disregard (i.e. you can earn up to a certain amount before the taper kicks in) Capital disregard: probably c £16,000 (not yet set)
with libraries, registration & archives connect Social Fund The Welfare Reform Act abolished the Community Care Grants and Crisis Loans These are to be replaced by non-ring fenced discretionary local authority support from April 2013 KSAS for Kent No cash payments
with libraries, registration & archives SCL response Information Offer - part of a range of national offers aiming to advocate the role of public libraries Work with ACE, GDS and other partners to develop tools to help citizens to effectively navigate national information sources. National survey of public libraries identified priority information areas – Careers & jobseeking, health, benefit advice, personal finance 8 Pilot projects over 6 mths in 2011/12 looking to demonstrate capability of Public Libraries to deliver and try various approaches connect
with libraries, registration & archives connect Kent pilot Signpost page created but content fed into KCC corporate pages Taktix specified, commissioned and developed – launched post pilot end
with libraries, registration & archives connect Pilots outcomes nationally Demonstrated Potential public libraries’ role in ‘assisted digital’ service provision High levels of trust put by citizens in information accessed through libraries, mediated by library staff Users value the resources offered, find them helpful and relevant, and welcome the support of library staff Mix of local and national resources is necessary to meet users needs Public libraries ideally placed to broker the gathering of appropriate information resources at the local level Partnership working added real value to the public library’s provision of online information and support
with libraries, registration & archives connect National Roll out Four strands of work: Advocacy – launch of offers end Jan 2013 Workforce development – Survey done Jan 2013 Infrastructure Content development
with libraries, registration & archives connect Public Focus Bookmark your library Single Digital Presence for UK public libraries Partnership with OCLC/ HROC Search for local libraries, search joint catalogue, home to national offers, Enquire, advocacy
with libraries, registration & archives connect LRA current position We do offer free access to IT basic IT support information signposting/ referral We do not at this time complete forms or transactions for people provide advice or interpret information certify documentation do ID checks
with libraries, registration & archives connect Pressure points Increased and sustained demand for * access to the internet * IT support IT-related issues around browser requirements, connection speed, immediate access, length of bookings Increased need for support in use of Universal JobMatch, National Careers Service site (job search and CV building) Safeguarding of vulnerable people, privacy and data protection Expectations beyond our offer
with libraries, registration & archives connect Moving forward Looking at Collaborations with other parts of KCC Improving Clubs & Organisations database Use of Anywhere interface on public PCs Potential ‘IF..’ app Partner surgeries in libraries Chat surgeries by partners Staff training