Housing Investment Priorities Stephen Ward Housing Strategy & Research Officer Stafford Borough Council
Local Investment Plan 2011 Thematic Priorities Local Growth Addressing Pockets of Deprivation & Vulnerability Lessening the Impact of Public Sector Job Losses Supporting the Needs of an Aging Population Creating Sustainable Rural Communities
Local Investment Plan 2011 Spatial Priorities Urban Homes Rural Affordable Homes Empty Homes Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Supported Accommodation for Victims of Domestic Violence MOD Stafford Extra Care Housing
Housing Needs Strategic Housing Market Assessment Up to date affordable housing need Support Local Plan Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Identify Future Social Provision
Future Projects SBC Owned Land S106 Commuted Sums Empty Homes Gypsy and Traveller
Draft Tenancy Strategy Stephen Ward Housing Strategy & Research Officer Stafford Borough Council
Tenancy Strategy - Aims To prevent homelessness and enable housing to be offered to those in the greatest need Set out clear expectations to Registered Providers operating in the Borough Make best use of the affordable housing stock Fulfil the Council ’ s Legal duty as set out in the Localism Act 2011
Tenancy Strategy Support Fixed Term and Lifetime Tenancies Do you agree? Fixed term – how long? Is fixed term appropriate for everybody? Where should lifetime tenancies be offered?
Tenancy Strategy The Tenancy Strategy will: Remain open to those not in housing need Remain open to people with out a local connection Support Affordable Rent where appropriate Support the Council to discharge homelessness duty in private rented sector Support social mobility
Any Questions? Contact Details Stephen Ward Housing Strategy & Research Officer Stafford Borough Council