GaBreeze Employer Website PSR Implementation and April Release Enhancements Flexible Benefits Training for Georgia Benefits Professionals April 2011
Session Purpose Purpose Prepare you to understand the enhancements to the GaBreeze Employer Website as a result of the Peach State Reserves (PSR) implementation Prepare you to use the enhancements in order to support Flexible Benefits participants Use the talking points from Flex Forum 1 to reiterate the overall business case for change including benefits to employees, benefits professionals, and the State. Introduce the concept of the changing nature of the customer service they will provide: from completing transactions for employees to helping them access information themselves. We are sharing information about future processes today as defined by administrative, service, and support requirements. We expect them to fill in the gaps by defining how their agency processes will wrap around the processes defined here.
Today’s Agenda Project Overview GaBreeze Employer Website Enhancements Questions Employee/Participant Experience and Employer Web Site: Today’s focus is on WHAT these resources will do Flex Forum 3 will show you how to get things done on the GaBreeze Web site and the Employer Web site We’re describing the employee/participant experience because it’s critical that you are know WHAT you are being asked to promote and support
Your Materials GaBreeze Employer Website PSR Implementation Enhancements Materials GaBreeze Employer Website PSR Implementation Enhancements presentation Smart Form Job Aides (Handouts) Today’s materials are posted on the website Marcia to provide user statistics on benefit professionals’ use of the Transition Web site Presentation and handouts will be useful for future reference When questions raised during today’s session require follow up, responses will be posted on the Transition Web site Questions SPA receives via email and their responses will be posted on the Transition Web site
Project Overview This section outlines how Hewitt, SPA, and you will work together to administer benefits and provide service and support. We’ll review at a high level the key roles each group plays.
Project Overview Aon Hewitt will begin administering the Peach State Reserves plan for the State of Georgia on April 25, 2011 Although your agency does not offer this plan, there will be changes/enhancements to the GaBreeze Employer Website that you will need to understand in order to better service your employees The information contained in this presentation will highlight the changes/enhancements you need to be aware of starting April 25, 2011
GaBreeze Employer Website Enhancements
Employer Website Enhancement #1: Add new fields to the existing new hire and data maintenance forms On the Employment Information section: Annual Salary (optional) Hourly Salary (optional) EEO Code – Equal Employment Opportunity (optional) The GSEPS Initial Opt Out Indicator field will be visible but if selected a critical edit will appear if GSEPS is selected as the Retirement Code for a new employee since your agency is not GSEPS-participating. On the Employee Address and Phone Number Section: Work e-mail address (optional). If you enter a work e-mail address it must be unique per each individual. It cannot be a shared e-mail address among several employees (i.e. group distribution e-mail). VARIABLE
Employer Website Users may reset passwords to something familiar to them
Employer Website Enhancement #2 Update Employee Inquiry page to add new fields to the employment information section (primary job) New fields include: Hourly Salary and Effective Date EEO Code (Equal Employment Opportunity) Work e-mail address Annual Salary and Effective Date The GSEPS Initial Opt Out Indicator field will be visible but it will be “grayed” out since your agency is not PSR eligible Moved the employee ID field from employee information section to the employment information section VARIABLE
Employer Website Users may reset passwords to something familiar to them
Employer Website Enhancement #3: Track up to 5 additional jobs (two new Smart Forms will appear) New Secondary Job Set Up Smart Form Employees can have jobs at multiple agencies. This smart form should be used when the employee has a job at a different agency that is PSR eligible along with your agency. Used to allow an agency to hire an employee who is now going to be working multiple jobs at a different agency. For example: Employee is currently working at a PSR only eligible agency on GaBreeze. Later your agency hires them as Flex eligible. You would use this smart form to enter the employee’s hire information. Since the participant is Flex eligible at your agency, your agency will become primary and the prior agency will become secondary. You would not use this form if the participant is transferring to your agency and will no longer be employed by his/her current agency. Rather, you would perform the same process you currently do today for Transfers. VARIABLE
Employer Website Enhancement #3 (Continued): Since the employee already exists on the GaBreeze system, you will encounter the screen below upon entering the SSN for your agency. This screen will be enhanced to read the following: “This employee is already currently working at another agency. If this employee has recently transferred to your agency, then you must work with the current agency to first process a termination of employment so that you can hire the individual into your agency. If this employee is still employed by his/her current agency and is now working another job at your agency that is eligible for PSR benefits, please click on the "Enter a New Secondary Job" link below to add the information related to his/her second position. For more details refer to the "Related Information" section on this page” Users may reset passwords to something familiar to them
Employer Website Enhancement #3 (Continued): Users may reset passwords to something familiar to them
Employer Website Enhancement #3 (Continued): Users may reset passwords to something familiar to them
Employer Website Enhancement #3 (Continued): The second new smart forms is….. Secondary Job Data Update Smart Form Used to allow an agency to process updates to the secondary job they have an employee in—an example would be to terminate the employee from this secondary job or to update certain pieces of indicative information If you are a Flex only agency and the employee is working for your agency but it is not their primary agency because he/she is Flex eligible at another agency, then you would use this smart form to process any employee indicative data updates or to terminate employment when they no longer work at your agency in the secondary position. If your agency is primary for the employee, then you would NOT use this form to process employee indicative updates or to terminate the employee. Rather, you would use the Employee Indicative Data Update Smart Form or Termination Smart Form that you are accustomed to using. VARIABLE
Employer Website Users may reset passwords to something familiar to them Job aide handouts to understand the correct procedures for executing the two new smart forms will be provided around April 19.
Employer Website Enhancement #4: Add FLX in front of all download and upload report names VARIABLE
Employer Website Enhancement #5: Add new fields to the Agency Profile page to indicate which plans the agency is participating in* Flex 401(k) 457 *Aon Hewitt maintains this information for each agency and all agencies will be defaulted to the appropriate value on 4/25/11 when the PSR plan is “live” VARIABLE
Employer Website Users may reset passwords to something familiar to them
Employer Website Enhancement #6: Support security by report on the ERWS user profile page All Flex users will be defaulted to have access to all Flex reports once “live” on 4/25 (i.e., access will mirror what it is currently) If users should not receive specific FLX reports, then uncheck the box to prevent future access to that particular report E-mail notification by report for downloads On a nightly basis an e-mail will be sent to agency users to notify them of the reports to be downloaded The e-mail will specify the name of the reports that need to be downloaded for the agency VARIABLE
Employer Website Enhancement #6 (Continued): E-mail notification by report for downloads If a user designates he/she wants an e-mail then he/she will receive an e-mail for all reports that they have access to The e-mail is not report specific There is only one e-mail sent per evening that lists all the files which are ready for downloading; users shouldn’t get an e-mail per file downloaded NOTE: All agency users will be defaulted to “Yes” (i.e., will receive e-mails) and will have to change their preference to “No” on or after 4/25, if they do not want to receive an e-mail VARIABLE
Employer Website Enhancement #7: Added a Your Action Needed (YAN) on the home/menu page which indicate reports are available that haven’t been processed for an agency user It will not specify which reports need to be downloaded, see enhancement #8 for how agencies will know which reports haven’t been downloaded The YAN should disappear when the user returns to the home page (as long as all the reports have been processed by the agency) VARIABLE
Employer Website Enhancement #8: Download reports will be red if not downloaded and reports will be black if downloaded by someone at the agency For any reports previously downloaded by an agency once we go “live” with these enhancements on 4/25 they will appear black VARIABLE
Employer Website Enhancement #9: Under “Your Reports” enable users to delete an uploaded report that hasn’t processed yet This enhancement is available as long as the user has access to the report and Aon Hewitt hasn’t run the batch (merge/burst) process yet to pick it up VARIABLE
Employer Website Enhancement #10: New PSR Funding Tab This tab will appear for Flex only agencies, but will indicate the agency user has no privileges to it since the PSR plan is not administered by that agency VARIABLE
Employer Website Enhancement #11: The Audit log will show when the report was download by the user and also the date the report was downloaded from the ERWS The current “Audit Log” indicates when someone downloaded a report, but doesn’t indicate what timeframe the report was for; this will be changed to include the date of the report (see example below). VARIABLE
Employer Website Enhancement #12: Under Your Reports the SPA Finance Reconciliation Report will now include “Reporting Period” within the downloaded report. The first reconciliation report to include this information will be for May. VARIABLE
Employer Website Enhancement #13: Adding Report Name and Date in the Report Header when reports are downloaded through GaBreeze reporting tool The report header and date will show in the printed version when using the newly added “Print Button” which will be placed on the reports page For agencies that download and print their reports the report title and report date will help when reviewing multiple reports at one time VARIABLE
Employer Website Enhancement #14: GaBreeze Reporting Tool will have a new tab which will require that the user select his/her agency. Based on the agency selection, the GaBreeze reporting tool will show the appropriate tabs as it relates to HR, Payroll, and Financial reporting for Flex only agencies. PSR eligible agencies will see a new tab for PSR reports. VARIABLE
Employer Web Site Miscellaneous Information: The “Related Information” pages on the ERWS will not be specific based on Flex only eligible agencies vs. PSR eligible agencies. The information cited will be generic for all benefits. VARIABLE