Welcome to East Columbus Magnet Academy
Gifted and Talented Theme Every student has gifts and talents. We help you find, explore, and build those gifts and talents through academics and our electives.
Gifted and Talented Magnet Program Courses in English (language arts), math, social studies, and science are targeted to the needs of academically gifted students. A full range of fine arts (talented) offerings including band, chorus, orchestra, and art is available. SPANISH-high school credit
How can you apply? Application Pass the CRCT 820 or above are considered Report Card (first semester grades A/B) Teacher recommendation (choose a teacher to write you a letter concerning your academics and work ethics in class. January 10 th
Supplies Supplies are provided for projects (tri- boards) If students need anything, they will give their request to their homeroom teacher and I will order the item if it is needed.
Community Service Complete one per nine weeks. You can choose your own community service activity. The magnet teachers and school will provide you opportunities. Log sheet provided by the magnet coordinator.
Transportation Must fill out the application (even if this is your home school) Provided for magnet students
Probation C in any class Gifted students-no lower than an 85 Behavior (detention (2) per nine weeks/no office referrals Community Service (must complete all) Supplies not provided Parent Conference required Moved from the class or return to homeschool
Questions Please relate questions to our magnet program. Middle school questions will be answered at a later time.
Tour Please follow our teachers.