‘21 19 CLASS OF Mission Possible: Graduation and Beyond Supports BRIDGE Law Advisement Transitioning from Fifth Grade to Sixth Grade
…on the road to a new and exciting destination – Middle School! Like most people who start a new journey, you probably have a lot of questions Think of this presentation as your road map or GPS – we’re here to help you “find your way”, not only to middle school, but through high school and beyond!
Sort of…but there are several differences between elementary and middle school. Don’t worry, though – there are a few things that are still the same. Let’s look at some of the key similarities between elementary and middle school.
You’ll still be coming to school to learn and participate in challenging course work! You’ll still be responsible for your class work and homework. You’ll still have teachers who will help you learn. You’ll still get to see your friends. You’ll still go the to cafeteria for lunch. You’ll still have counselors, administrators, school nurses, and many others who will provide support. Now, let’s look at the key differences between elementary and middle school. OK?
5 Elementary SchoolMiddle School one teacherseveral teachers one class roomdifferent classrooms same students in classdifferent students in class belongings kept in classroombelongings kept in locker walk in line in hallwayswalk on your own hall passes are not mandatorymust have a hall pass no agendaCSMS provides agenda less cafeteria choicesmore cafeteria choices limited activities & clubsmore choices
Photo – Panter Elementary
Photo – South Paulding Middle
You will get a locker to keep and organize your books and materials. You’ll have to learn to keep it neat! You also will need to use your time wisely during locker breaks. LOCKER LANE
You’ll go to lunch with one of your academic teachers. Each teacher will have assigned tables for their class, but you’ll choose where you sit at those tables! LUNCH – THIS EXIT HOT MEALPIZZASALAD BAR
10 OK, set that GPS for a new direction! There’s big changes ahead! CHANGES AHEAD
Homeroom Academic Enrichment Math class Language Arts class Science class Social Studies class Two Connections classes (electives)
Yield to the idea of learning more! LEARN
Criteria for Placement in Advanced/Accelerated Math, for example: 85% class average on end-of-year grade 870 on CRCT Math Test (5 th Grade) GradeCourse TitleCurriculum That is Taught 6Accelerated 6 th Grade Math ( ) (Course: 6 th grade and 1 st semester of 7 th grade) All of 6 th grade math standards and 2 units of 7 th grade math standards 7Accelerated 7 th Grade Math ( ) (Course: 2 nd semester of 7 th grade and all of 8 th grade) The other 7 th grade math standards and all of 8 th grade math standards 8Honors CCGPS Coordinate Algebra (Begins in for 8th grade middle school students) High school course that is taught in the 8 th grade with student earning grade and credit on high school transcript with grade of 70 or higher. Course also receives honors weight. (If a student is not successful, the failing grade is recorded on the high school transcript.) 9Honors CCGPS Analytic GeometryCourse receives honors weight with grade earned of 70 or higher on high school transcript. 10Honors CCGPS Advanced AlgebraCourse receives honors weight with grade earned of 70 or higher on high school transcript. 11AP Calculus AB or AP StatisticsCourse receives Advanced Placement weight with grade earned of 70 or higher on high school transcript. 12AP Calculus AB or BC or AP StatisticsCourse receives Advanced Placement weight with grade earned of 70 or higher on high school transcript.
Please thoroughly review MS 101 guide information about advanced and high school courses taken during middle school. Honors 9 th Grade English and Honors CCGPS Coordinate Algebra are high school courses that are offered in 8 th grade beginning in the school year. Some students take Spanish I in 7 th and 8 th grade. It is important to do well in 6 th and 7 th grade courses and meet all requirements, if a student wants to do this during 8 th grade.
Students who are interested in taking an online middle school course must have the parent apply online during May/June on the district website for the following school year. Online course opportunities are sometimes limited at both the middle and high school levels. Counselors advise both students and parents regarding online course opportunities. Please refer to the MS 101 guide and or the district Career Planner for further information.
NEW WAY A new day, a new way!
Photo – Shelton Elementary
Photo – McClure Middle
CHOICES Get ready for some new choices!
Photo – Roberts Elementary
Photo – Herschel Jones Middle
Students take the CRCT. Students take ITBS. Students take CogAT. Students take the Grade 8 Writing Test
In May 2010, the BRIDGE Bill was signed into law. Thus, there are mandated advisement steps that must be taken with middle school students. School Counselors support these opportunities.
BRIDGE (Building Resourceful Individuals Developing Georgia’s Economy) Law for Elementary Students Career Cluster Awareness Lessons for 5 th grade students 8 of the 17 Career Clusters have been taught Your 5 th grade student used the GCIS Junior website this year. 5 th Grade Career Portfolio –Many district students have researched, written about, and presented information on one career choice during 2 nd semester of the school year
The following BRIDGE Bill advisement tasks are required to be completed in middle school in the student’s My411, GACollege411 portfolio: –Grade 6 My411 Account must be set up Interest Profiler Inventory must be completed. –Grade 7 Career Cluster Survey must be completed. 3 Career Concentrations/Clusters must be explored. –Grade 8 3 Careers and Occupational Information must be saved on these careers in the student’s portfolio. Individual Graduation Plan is updated on the Graduation Plan/Program of Study from the BRIDGE Advisement Plan College Credit Now/Dual Enrollment Information is Provided
You’ll find that we have a lot of helpful people who work at the middle school. In addition to our teachers, you’ll find the following special people…
The administration usually consists of a principal, assistant principals, and/or administrative assistants. They have many responsibilities including the operation of the school. Administrators are there every step of the way to support students in the valuable learning process. These school officials work to ensure the success and safety of the learning community. They are valuable assets to the school and community! Mrs. Allen, Principal Mr. Boyd, Assistant Principal Mrs. Vickers, Assistant Principal
Ms. Holbrooks, Lead Counselor Mrs. Colvard School counselors support students in three life areas-academic, career, and personal/social. The focus of the counseling program facilitates student learning and academic success. Middle school counselors are available to work with students, parents, and teachers through guidance, counseling, consultation services, and referral delivery systems. School counselors support All BRIDGE Law Advisement tasks with students and support students to be College and Career Ready.
The School Resource Officer is a uniformed officer whose assignment is to help ensure that the students have an atmosphere that is conducive to a good education, eliminating distractions that may hamper students in their ability to learn. Officer Geiger
The State of Georgia requires that all students entering public school have a completed certificate of immunization on file with the school. At the time your child is transitioning to middle school, there may be several immunization updates that he or she will need. An up-to- date immunization form is due prior to the first day of school. Please check with your healthcare provider to see if your child needs any additional immunizations. The state sends an auditor to check 6 th grade records each fall. They will make a list of individual students who need additional immunizations. Failure to provide documentation of up-to-date immunizations can cause your child to be withdrawn from school.
The most common issue that we have had with immunizations for rising sixth graders has been students needing documentation for…
Yes, it’s Varicella, or more commonly known as the chicken pox! The State recently changed their requirement for the Varicella immunization in July Students must have two doses of the Varicella immunization prior to starting the sixth grade. An alternative to the immunization is a documentation of history of the disease or documentation of serological proof of having been exposed to the disease. History of the disease must be documented on Form 3231 by your health care provider. A parent note WILL NOT suffice!
DO NOT WORRY Don’t worry! You’ll be fine!
BUCKLE UP FOR FUN Because we’re going to have lots of people to help you…
Mission Possible: Graduation and Beyond Middle School Welcomes the Class of 2021 QUESTIONS?