Together we LEAD!
Purpose of Riverwatch Middle School Our vision statement is “Together we LEAD – Learn, Excel, Achieve and Dream.”
ACADEMICS 8 th Grade Core Classes Math, Advanced Math, or *Accelerated Math *Science or *Advanced Science Language Arts or Advanced Language Arts Social Studies or Advanced Social Studies *Spanish or *Study Skills 8 th Grade Connections Classes PE/Health or Strength and Conditioning Art *Band *Chorus Personal Fitness Computers Engineering Technology Newspaper * Denotes Courses for High School Credit
High School Credit Students can earn NO MORE than 4 high school credits in middle school. Students receive either a P or a F on their high school transcript for high school credits earned in middle school. The middle school course must meet the standards of the respective high school course. Parents can decline credit by sending the school a written statement. This must be given to the school by June, 2012.
Expectations Students will be writing a great deal within LA classes. Students are expected to take notes and study from these notes as a study guide. Students are expected to be more independent and able to self advocate. Good attendance is essential for success in 8 th grade classes.
Mathematics On-level Transition from skill- based curriculum to concept based curriculum Students should expect to have homework EVERY night. TOPICS INCLUDE – probability, exponents, radicals, Pythagorean Theorem, linear relationships, equations, inequalities, and systems. Advanced Covers Entire 8 th Grade curriculum plus added advanced standards Increased Pace and rigor Students should be self motivated and an advocate for their success in the class Additional review time in class may not be a part of the class Accelerated Covers entire Math I and half the Math II curriculum 7 th Grade Accelerated Math is a prerequisite Increased task-based learning, pace and rigor Summative assessments, midterm and final exam are made in collaboration with high school teachers EOCT is worth 20% of total GPA
Science On-level Student will take both CRCT’s and EOCT’s. EOCT’s will count for 20% of the course grade Course content will be the GA DOE High School Physical Science content standards Topics include: Energy and Forces and Motion, Electricity, Magnetism, and Matter Advanced Will complete all of on-level course Rigorous algebra-based physical science Students are expected to work at a faster pace and complete independent research projects Course will prepare students for Honors Biology in 9 th grade year
On-Level Language Arts Preparation for CRCT Reading and ELA 3 novel studies and short stories Wordly Wise Vocabulary ($10) – emphasis on usage and application, not recognition of word (no multiple choice quizzes) Grammar – review of basic skills with intense application of on- level standards through writing Current Events magazine ($10) – weekly reinforcement of non- fiction, grammar and writing Preparation for Georgia Writing Assessment and LHS World Literature Expect 9-10 expository and persuasive essays between August and January 3-4 Response to Literature pieces between January and May 3 summative timed essays before January Students should expect homework every night
Advanced Language Arts Students will complete all of on level course. Students will complete several additional units and projects that will prepare them for Honors Literature at LHS. The course will be fast paced with in depth discussions about literature and a heavy use of technology.
Georgia Studies On-level Large amount of standards covering Georgia’s History and Government Lecture based with emphasis on note taking skills Course set-up and rigor will help prepare for success in high school history courses Class time is given for most assignments and unfinished work will be completed for homework. Review of notes is expected when there is no written assignments Advanced Same content as on-level Extension information added to connect with U.S. history Faster pace Choice projects to meet needs of different learning styles Document based essays to prepare for AP high school courses such as 9 th Grade AP Human Geography Usage of technology and collaborative group discussions
Spanish Expectations Homework: written practice or vocabulary study each night– approximately minutes. Varied assessments include: written exams, projects, short research assignments, oral presentations, role-play, dialogues, skits, conversations, written exercises, reading of literature, singing songs, and watching videos. Students will take the same final exam as the high school. Curriculum Georgia Standards and Forsyth County pacing for high school Spanish level 1. Students develop listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in a variety of topics. Students will use simple communication with vocabulary and grammar of Spanish I. Students will become familiar with the culture of Spanish- speaking persons. High School Spanish I Students will become proficient in the standards of second semester High School Spanish I. Teachers collaborate with the high school and are able provide extensive practice on all topics. Upon completion of Spanish I in the 8 th grade, the student will be eligible to take Spanish II at the high school..
Study Skills Study Skills work is embedded within math content. Note taking Test taking skills Test preparations This course is NOT a study hall.
Band High School Standards – All 8 th grade students will perform at state performance evaluations (March, 2012) Will learn and perform a variety of music from the state music list The current 8 th grade band curriculum at RMS is already based on the high school standards (so, very little will be different)
Chorus Based on High School Standards for High School credit including: Learning and performing a variety of music Composing music Analyzing and evaluating music Learning historical and cultural contexts of music
Grading and Student Work Grades are composed of 80% summative grades and 20% formative grades. Grades at the 18 and 36 weeks are final. Grades at the 9 and 27 weeks are mid-term. Homework is expected to be complete. There is a strong correlation between student success in a class and their completion of practice work. Students’ report cards also report against work habits. A score of 2 is meeting standard A score of 3 is rare for exceeding standard
Academic Supports and Interventions Morning Help Sessions Relearn and Recovery Students who score below 79% on a summative assignment are offered 1 opportunity to improve the grade up to 79% by engaging in a teacher assigned learning activity and retaking a second/new summative. The relearn/recovery assignment must be completed within 1 week of the graded summative being returned to the student. Mid-terms, finals, and timed writing assignments are not eligible for R & R. Angel – try the tutorial on
The Schedule Seven classes for approximately 50 minutes periods and one 25 minute advisement class: 1 st Period – Language Arts from 9:00 – 9:50 2 nd Period – PRIDE from 9:50 – 10:15 3 rd Period – Science from 10:20 – 11:10 4 th Period – Social Studies from 11:15 – 12:35 (includes 25 minute lunch) 5 th Period – Connections from 12:40 – 1:30 6 th Period – Connections from 1:35 – 2:25 7 th Period – Spanish or Math Literacy from 2:30 – 3:20 8 th Period - Math from 3:25 – 4:15