Concepts: Conflict Creates Change Conflict Resolution


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Presentation transcript:

Concepts: Conflict Creates Change Conflict Resolution SS7H3c Explain the role of the United States in the rebuilding of Japan after WWII. Concepts: Conflict Creates Change Conflict Resolution

Reasons for US Rebuilding Japan Stop the spread of communism throughout Asia and promote democracy in the region by reforming Japan’s monarchy into a constitutional monarchy (democracy with an emperor with limited power). Improve Japan’s economy in order to trade with Japan and sell US products to Japan’s market.


JAPAN ATTACKS THE U.S. 1941 Japan declares war on the U.S. by bombing the naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. America then declares war on Japan and enters WWII.

U.S. ENDS WORLD WAR II 1945 The U.S. drops atomic bombs on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ending WWII.

U.S. OCCUPATION OF JAPAN 1945 After WWII, Japan was placed under international control of the Allies through the Supreme Commander, General Douglas MacArthur. Gen. Douglas MacArthur accepts the Unconditional Surrender from the Empire of Japan

US Occupies Japan “Japanese soldier guarding road to Yokohama standing at attention with his back to a conquering American soldier who is driving by in a jeep as he displays an attitude of great respect according to Japanese culture.” Life Magazine


JAPANESE REFORMS (Changes) 1947 Political, economic, and social reforms were introduced, such as a freely elected Japanese Diet (legislature) and universal adult suffrage (voting rights). Japan establishes a constitutional monarchy. Douglas MacArthur and Emperor Hirohito.



Transforming Japan into a Democracy



US ENDS OCCUPATION OF JAPAN 1952 US ends their occupation of Japan in 1952. Japan is granted membership into the United Nations in 1957.


US REBUILDS JAPAN’S ECONOMY 1955 U. S. financial support, along with the Japanese values of hard work lead to a period of great economic growth for Japan.

The Tokyo Labor College was one of the many institutions created after the war in order to promote more equitable economic development than had existed before



JAPAN IS A MODEL NATION 2009 Today, Japan has one of the most powerful industrialized economies in the world. Like the U.S., Japan encourages a market economy which motivates people to develop new ideas and expand businesses.

US REBUILDS JAPAN SUMMARY Look at your performance task (the Rebuilding of Japan ‘Dust to Dominance’ timeline and story and collaborate with a partner and try to tell the story in your own words in chronological order