EQ: What were the major causes and effects of WWI?
Nationalism- extreme devotion and loyalty to one’s own country. Believe their country is better than others. Fueled wartime efforts. Read Chapter 12 section 1 Pg 329
Austria-Hungary –the largest empire in Eastern Europe which had a dual monarchy. A monarchy that rules two nations. This is where WWI begins! Eastern and Western Europe have different economies. Read Ch 12 section 2, stop at WWII
Ethnic group- people that share a common culture and often the same language and religion. Inside A-H, many ethnic groups were fighting against each other. Ideology -Idea behind movements or guides individuals to do certain things
Fought between Allied powers and Central powers. Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austria- Hungary throne was assassinated in June 1914 in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for Ferdinand’s death and declared war on them. Russia and Serbia were allies so Russia prepared for war. Since Germany had a treaty with A-H, Germany declared war on Russia. France had a treaty with Russia, so Germany declared war on France as well.
In order to reach France quickly, Germany invaded neutral Belgium. Great Britain was allied with Belgium therefore declared war on Germany. The U.S. stayed neutral for almost 3 years.
ALLIED POWERSCENTRAL POWERS Russia France Great Britain Later the U.S. Austria-Hungary Germany
Started in February Revolution- resulted in the overthrow of the czar (Russian king) Russians were unhappy with the way the czar was running the country and the involvement in the war. Russia had to pull out of the war. The Bolshevik Revolution- marked the first Communist revolution. Led by Vladimir Lenin. Reach Ch 11 section 4, pg 318
After the Russians pulled out of the war, a few events led to the U.S. entering the war: 1. unrestricted submarine warfare 2. already supporting the allied forces by loaning them money and supplies. 3. Zimmerman telegram- a telegram that was intercepted by the British that was from Germany to Mexico. It asked Mexico to engage the U.S. in war (to keep us distracted from Germany’s actions in Europe) It promised Mexico, if they helped them, they would receive the lands that were lost in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona.
is the anniversary of the official end of World War I, November 11, It commemorates the armistice signed between the Allies and Germany at Compiegne, France the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month." While this official date to mark the end of the war reflects the ceasefire on the Western Front, hostilities continued in other regions especially across the former Russian Empire and in parts of the old Ottoman Empire.
Ended the war. Required that Germany accept full responsibility for the war. Germany had to give up their overseas colonies. Had to make their military smaller. Had to pay huge amounts of money for war damages. Germany’s economy was ruined.
With Germany no longer a threat, Britain could develop its colonies and obtain their natural resources. France was also able to become a dominant European economy.
The Austria-Hungary empire was dissolved. Poland and Austria gained their independence. Ukraine was formed. Denmark increased its sized from Germany’s lands.
Adolf Hitler, who was the leader of a National Socialist Germany Workers (Nazi) became the Chancellor of Germany in The Nazis, gained support by blaming Germany’s problems on the ideas of Communists and Jews. The desperate people of Germany were vulnerable to these ideas and wanted to believe in anything that was different.
Hitler promised the Germans that their country would create jobs, and grow to be the most powerful.
European nations difficult time recovering Soldiers found no jobs Great Depression weakened countries Germany was becoming great threat Great Britain tax revenues plummeted Could not build up military Disadvantage when WWII began 1939
1. The Russian Revolution had what effect on WWI? 2. Describe the Treaty of Versaille. 3. What does Russia, Italy, and Great Britain have in common?