BREAKFAST Monday November 5 8:00-8:30 Breakfast Bites, Cereal and Toast Available Daily: Cheese Grits, Cereal & Toast, Orange Juice, Grab–N-Go Bags, Choice of Milk
every morning 7:45-8:15 in the Commons Area $1.00 regular $1.25 for flavors (French Vanilla, Amaretto, Chocolate)
LUNCH Friday November 2 Hot Dog, Frito Pie, Seafood Special, Chicken Strip Salad, Tossed Salad, Whole Kernel Corn or Corn on the Cob, Baked Wedges, Orange Sections
The payphone is the only phone available for student use. If you are sick and need to go home you must go to the Attendance Office.
Certificates of Attendance for a Drivers License need to be requested 24 hours in advance in the front office
7:20-8:20 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Mornings Room 217 No Reservations Needed
7:20-8:20 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday MEDIA CENTER No reservations needed!
Guys Bible Study Monday & Friday Rm 118 Wednesday Rm 116 7:45-8:20
Girls Bible Study Wednesday & Friday Room 116 7:45-8:20
numeral Galileo Password
SMOOTHIES FOR SALE!!! Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at the top of the 100 hallway ONLY $2.50 CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
Help the OHS Academic Team Raise Money Cell Phones (no chargers or other paraphernalia) Ink Jet Printer Cartridges (can’t accept anything bigger than palm of your hand) DVD Movies & Videogames --- Portable DVD Players Laptop Computers --- MP3 Players X-Boxes, Sony Playstations, Wii Digital Cameras & Digital Video Cameras (DVRs) Digital Picture Frames Portable Navigation & GPS Devices (Garmin, Magellan, Tom-Tom) Put them in the box in the front office.
Happy Birthday to the following Faculty and Staff: Jay Nelson 10/29 Diane Stone 11/1 Jody Kearley 11/3
Ashton Brigden Rachel Cole Jasmine Crossley
Nicholas Caputa 11/3 Allysia Doggett 11/3 Ayana Giles 11/3 Holly Melton 11/3 Xavier Thomas 11/3
Kayla Holland 11/4 Derrick Richardson 11/4 Paola Santos 11/4 Dylan Spratling 11/4
Buy your tickets NOW from any cast member or stop by Ms. Cothran’s room 305. Ticket Prices: $5.00 for students $7.00 in advance $9.00 at the door
Catch Him If You Can!! OHS student Ryan Gandee won 1 st place in the Legends Race Cars Pro Division at Atlanta Motor Speedway Saturday night. Congratulations Ryan!!
ATTENTION SENIORS! Balfour will be here November 7 for make-up announcement orders. If you need another packet, see Ms. Ryan in room 119.
Need a project backboard? See Mr. Burns in room 224 after school Wednesday thru Friday. $4 each
Food for the Holidays FCS and Beta club are having their annual canned food drive Starting 10/29-11/15 bring your cans of food to HR The HR with the highest number of cans will have a pizza party during lunch in 11/16. Remember to make someone’s holiday season a more joyful time.
For each dollar in fines you owe to the Media Center bring a can in support of the FCS/Beta Club Food Drive. $2 = Cans will be given to the student’s homeroom teacher.
Wednesday, November 7th 3rd period ONLY Please come to the Counseling Center to fill out a College Interest Form to meet with the Oxford College Admissions Rep individually! Space is limited.
Attention Seniors: University of West Georgia Visit Wednesday, November 7th, 3rd period Please come to the Counseling Center to fill out a College Interest Form to meet with The UWG Admissions Rep individually! Space is limited.
Senior English classes are going on a field trip! Seniors, you may begin paying your teacher for the November 30 th trip to Medieval Times. The cost is $40.
Charity Sale November 10 from 6am – 10am 20-50% off throughout the store, plus get $5 off your first purchase!!!! Register to win a $1000 Belk shopping spree See any FBLA member, Coach Maddox (Rm 405) or Mrs. Wyatt (Media Center)
Skateboard Club Meeting Tuesday 3:45 p.m. Room 125
NHS Meeting Wednesday November 7 8:00 AM Rm 128
Spanish Club Date: Nov 15, 2007 Time: 4:00 – 5:00 Location: Room 112 Señora Sharp y Señor Arenas
Need service hours? Want to get involved? Missed the last Adopt-a-Road? Come out and join the Sophomore class with our Adopt-a-Road program on Saturday, November 10 th at 9 AM. Ask Mrs. Patterson in room 330 or Suprina Patel for details and forms.
French Club Come and join the French Club every Monday after school at 3:45. We are currently discussing our trip to France we will make on Spring Break!
Congratulations !! President – Marilyn Dyess Vice President – Hailey Wiggins Treasurer – Brenon White Reporter – Cody Daives Secretary – Still Open Parliamentarian – Still Open It’s Not To Late To Join SkillsUSA!! Meetings Will Now Be Held Before And After School. Nationals Will Be In April. To Join Go See Mrs. Hinz In Room 413.
What: Foreign Film Club Who: Anyone seriously interested in watching and talking about foreign films When: The Second Monday of every Month, right after school Special trips to view foreign films outside of school to be arranged; Where: Room 112 With Whom: Sra Sharp, Sponsor Why: To appreciate the beauty and experience of films of other cultures and languages
Show Your Mustang Spirit!!! Purchase your OLA temporary tattoos from any SGA member!!
ATTENTION 9 th GRADE VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS The volleyball banquet will be held November 9 th at Sharon Baptist Church at 6pm. Please see Coach Hinz ASAP and let her know who will be attending.
Preseason conditioning starts Monday, November 5. All paperwork must be turned in by November 1 to either Coach Hermann, Arenas or Rice.
Cross country runners: T-shirts are in! See Coach Gardner to pick yours up if you ordered one.
Congratulations to the boys and girls cross country teams. Boys finished fourth at the regional meet, girls finished third overall. Both teams will represent Ola at the state meet Saturday, November 10.
TONIGHT Ola vs Henry County AWAY 7:30
Have a Great Weekend