Hello! I am very excited about this school year! Students are getting into the routine of things, and they are off to a good start! I am enclosing information that will help you with your 8th grader in Physical Science. Hello! I am very excited about this school year! Students are getting into the routine of things, and they are off to a good start! I am enclosing information that will help you with your 8th grader in Physical Science. It is very important that you and your 8 th grader view grades on a weekly basis so that you are informed of any changes in academic progress.
Flow of the Classroom Community Each student has a right to learn in a respectful, responsible, and resourceful environment! Students should be on time and participate to get the most out of the Physical Science experience!
Flow of the Classroom Community Upon entering the classroom students should record all “beginning work” for the day. This information should be written in a spiral specifically for Science. This is crucial step because these notes are state curriculum driven.
Beginning Work includes: The Standard(St)- Found on the Georgia Performance and the Next Generation Science Standards Website ….check it out!!!! Essential Question (Eq)- A question that “drives” instruction Homework-Students should study notes for at least 15 minutes everyday. In addition, there will be other assignments given. Project-based assignments will be announced. Warm Up- This is a "start up" activity that leads into other relevant concepts Table of Contents (T.O.C.)- Students should write the title of each assignment in the front of their notebook
Main Activity/Work Time: This is the portion of the class period that includes various activities such as: labs, demonstrations, textbook work, note-taking, presentations, reflection, discussion, projects, accountable "talk time", group work, enrichment, and assessments. It is essential for your child to be engaged daily by asking, “Show me a little about the activity you did today after your Beginning Work? What will you be studying tonight?”
Closing: This is a student driven portion of the class period that includes reinforcement and reflection of the concepts. During this time, students may also be given a "ticket out the door" (t.o.d.) or "check point“ (pop quiz). Check Points and Pop quizzes are not always announced, and they are sometimes entered into the grade book. The closing is student driven. Students are expected show what they have learned!
Assessments Formative Assessments- the "small" 40% assessments (pop quizzes, check points, s handouts, oral activities, homework and classwork, etc.). Some formative assessments are recorded in the grade book. Summative Assessments- the "big" 60% assessment (major tests, projects, and presentations, etc.) These are always recorded in the grade book.
Assessments Formative assessments are given daily. Summative assessments will be announced in advance.
Tutoring and Retakes It is essential for students to prepare for assessments on a daily basis. That way the number of retakes will be minimized. It is my goal, however that students show mastery of every concept. Therefore, some re-teaching, tutoring, and retaking of assessments will occur. Students should arrive to tutoring with measureable questions in mind that are content specific. Tutoring requests should be made at least 24 hours in advanced. Students should arrive for tutoring at 7:55 to room 222.
Discipline and Attendance Students should follow all safety procedures and classroom rules in the lab. A lab contract must be reviewed and signed before any participation occurs. Horseplay is not tolerated. To ensure safety, proper dress is required. If a student is tardy 3 or more times, discipline steps begin. Disciplinary actions include : Warnings, student/teacher conferences, notes or phone calls home, detention, team intervention, office referral, and suspension (ISS, OSS, and Expulsion). Please refer to the student handbook.