W INDSOR F OREST H IGH A DVANCED L EARNING P ROGRAMS Advanced Placement Dual Enrollment Honors Courses International Baccalaureate
AP Advanced Placement courses allow willing and academically prepared students to pursue college-level courses while still in high school. AP courses provide a more rigorous learning experience than regular courses. Success in AP courses increases your chances of being accepted into major colleges and universities.
H OW DOES THE AP PROGRAM WORK ? Each AP course is taught in one school year. In May, all students enrolled in the AP course will complete a cumulative exam. The scores on the exam range from 1 to 5 with 5 being the best. A score of 3 or higher is considered “passing”. Each college has its own policies regarding credits awarded for certain scores on exams.
W HICH AP COURSES DOES WFHS OFFER ? AP American Language AP American Literature AP Studio Art (2D, 3D, and Drawing) AP World History AP Statistics ( ) AP Calculus AB ( )
D UAL E NROLLMENT Provides opportunities for Georgia high school students to take college-level courses and earn concurrent credit toward a high school diploma and a college degree Types of DE programs: Accel, Dual Hope Grant, Move On When Ready (MOWR) Local schools to consider – Armstrong, Savannah State, Savannah Tech
H ONORS C OURSES Help you prepare for the rigor of AP and IB courses Smaller class sizes Majority of the students are highly motivated to do well academically
I NTERNATIONAL B ACCALAUREATE The IB is a comprehensive program that pushes students to strive for excellence and helps them to prepare for a competitive global future. IB courses are taught over 1 or 2 years depending on the HL or SL course distinction. 3 ways to be a part of IB. Certificates IB Career Certificate (IBCC) IB Diploma
IB P ROGRAMS AT W INDSOR Candidate Status Grades: 9th -10th Courses: Core Academic Courses Heath/PE Elective Additional Requirements: Personal Project to be completed during the Sophomore year. Grades: 11th—12th Courses: 3 HL Courses taught over the 2 years. 3 SL Courses Theory of Knowledge taught over 2 years Additional Requirements: Extended Essay Creativity, Action and Service Grades: 11th—12th Courses: 2 IB Courses (any 2 at any level) Complete Pathway Approaches to Learning Additional Requirements: Reflective Project Community and Service Language Development Portfolio * Anticipated offering 2015 *
IB C OURSE O FFERINGS History of the Americas and 20 th Century Topics Film Language A Band Chorus History of the Americas French (2 years) Spanish (2 years) Math Studies Environmental Systems and Societies High Level CoursesStandard Level Courses
IB C ERTIFICATES Students who are academically strong in 1 or 2 areas that have met the pre-requisites for the various IB courses may take them and sit for the IB exam for that course. Students must have room in their schedule for the 1 year SL course or the 2 year HL course. College credit generally awarded for scores of 4 or higher on the 7 point scale. Awarded amounts depend on colleges.
IB C AREER C ERTIFICATE New for Class of 2016 Allows for students to complete a pathway, while still challenging themselves academically. IBCC Requirements GA requirements for Graduation 2 IB DP courses SL or HL Approaches to Learning Class Pathway Completion Reflective Project Language Portfolio Community and Service Learning
IB D IPLOMA P ROGRAM The most comprehensive and academically rigorous program offered. Program Requirements GA Requirements for Graduation 3 HL Courses 3 SL Courses Theory of Knowledge Course Extended Essay Creativity, Action and Service (CAS)
C OLLEGE C REDITS Dual Enrollment – if you pass the course, you earn the credit if the college accepts the credit. AP – if you score a 3 or higher, it is likely that your college of choice will award credits. However, you need to research specific schools and specific AP courses. IB Diploma – Up to 24 credits can be awarded to a student. The college generally does an audit of the courses that you have taken to award credit. IB Courses alone – if you score a 4 or higher in HL and a 5 or higher in SL courses generally colleges will award credit or audit your transcript when you enter
H OW DO C OLLEGES DETERMINE RIGOR? Transcript Evaluation based on courses your high school offers. Colleges like to see that students exhaust their high school options before moving onto College Courses. They know the Rigor of AP and IB exams and are not always familiar with local schools offering dual enrollment credit. Syllabi do not always align with their curriculum. Colleges don’t want to see students taking an easy Senior year. Only taking one or two dual enrollment courses versus a full load at the high school.
R IGOR AND THE HOPE SCHOLARSHIP New academic requirements are included in the HOPE legislation. These changes will impact students graduating from high school on or after May 1, In order to qualify for the HOPE Scholarship, students must meet the following academic requirements: Juniors (class of 2015) – 2 rigor credits Sophomores (class of 2016) – 3 rigor credits Freshmen (class of 2017) – 4 rigor credits
R IGOR COURSES AT W INDSOR AP Language, AP Literature, IB English Math 3, Math 4, CCGPS Advanced Algebra, Accelerated Math 3, AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics Chemistry, Physics, IB Environmental Systems AP World History, IB History of the Americas, IB 20 th Century History Spanish 2, Spanish 3, Spanish 4, IB Spanish
H OW TO MAKE THE BEST CHOICE FOR YOU! What are your goals after high school? Which colleges and universities are you considering? What do they award for AP/IB scores? What do they accept as far as DE transfer credits? Are you willing to put forth the effort required for specific courses/programs? How will you balance the course/program workload/schedule with your life interests? How can you be successful inside of the classroom and out?