Level D Unit 7
1. Adieu - Noun A farewell Syn: a long goodbye, Ant: hello, greeting
2. Advent - Noun an arrival; a coming into place or view Syn: approach Ant: departure, going away, exodus
3. Apex - Noun The highest point, tip Syn: peak, summit, acme, crowning point Ant: bottom
4. Assimilate - verb to absorb fully or make one's own; to adopt as one's own; to adapt fully Syn: digest, incorporate, blend in Ant: NA
5. Bogus - Adj False; counterfeit Syn: phony, fake Ant: genuine, authentic
6. Exorbitant - Adj Unreasonably high, excessive Syn: extreme, overpriced Ant: inexpensive, affordable, reasonable
7. Interim NounAdjective the time between Syn: interval, interlude Ant: NA temporary, coming between two points in time Syn: provisional, stopgap permanent
8. Inundate - Verb to flood, overflow; to overwhelm by numbers or size Syn: submerge, deluge, swamp Ant: NA
9. malign VerbAdjective To speak evil of; slander Syn: defame, badmouth Ant: praise Evil Syn: wicked Ant: kind, benevolent
10. meander VerbNoun to wander about, wind about Syn: ramble, roam, zigzag, twist Ant: NA a sharp turn or twist Syn; curve Ant: NA