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Presentation transcript:


Why Study Social Studies? Who cares about the past anyway?

Why do you think it’s important to study Social Studies? OK, it’s time to think!!!!! Why do you think it’s important to study Social Studies?

Reasons why Social Studies is important Cause it’s way cool

Welcome to the World!!!!! We will learn about the world and many of its regions this year by studying its geography, history, economics, government, and culture.

The World’s Culture Regions The world has seven culture regions: U.S. and Canada Latin America Europe and former U.S.S.R. North Africa and Southwest Asia Africa south of the Sahara South Asia East Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands

Before we move on, can you name the continents? 7 5 2 3 1 4 6

Europe Latin America Canada Australia & the Pacific Islands This year we will learn about the History, Geography, Government, Economics, and the Culture Of only 4 regions in the entire World!!!! Europe Latin America Canada Australia & the Pacific Islands

The 4 regions we will learn about

What is Social Studies About? What I want to Know What are the 5 fields of Social Studies? What is history? What is geography? Define government. Define economics What I Know

The Peoples of the World Getting Along with Each Other Knowledge of other countries is the key to understanding them Five Fields of Learning Social studies teaches about the world; The 5 fields of Social Studies include: Geography History Economics Government Culture

History and Geography What is it? History is a record of the past the past shapes the present Geography is the study of people, places, and the environment The study of geography focuses on five themes: - location – where the place is - region – several countries with the same features - place – an area’s characteristics - movement – study of the migrations of people and animals - human-environment interaction – how people change and are changed by the Earth

Government How do Countries Govern? Every country has laws—rules that govern behavior Government makes and enforces laws A Citizen is a legal member of a country with rights and duties Limited and Unlimited Governments Limited—everyone obeys laws, including rulers Unlimited—rulers have absolute authority over everyone, everything

Economics Economics is the study of how people manage resources like money Economists identify three types of resources: natural: gifts of nature like water human: production skills capital: goods and services produced

Culture Ways of Living Culture—shared beliefs, customs, laws, art, ways of living Culture traits—those specific things people share

The Five Themes of Geography How do Geographers Think About the World? Geographers study five themes: - location - place - region - movement - human-environment interaction

Location Location describes where a place is located Geographers locate places on Earth using system of imaginary lines: latitude—lines parallel to equator; show distance north and south of Equator longitude—lines between North and South Poles; show distance east and west of prime meridian

Place An Area’s Distinguishing Characteristics Physical characteristics of an area include an area’s climate, landforms, bodies of water, plant and animal life Human characteristics of an area include cities, towns, governments, cultural traditions Why might a place change?

Which is it?

Which is it?

Which is it?

Which is it?

Region Common Characteristics A region is a group of places with common characteristics common physical features common human characteristics Geographers compare regions to understand differences and similarities World has ten natural regions Natural region has unique climate; combination of plant, animal life

Movement A Planet on the Move People, goods, ideas, plants, animals, and physical features move! Migrate—to move from one place and settle in another Reasons for Moving Push factors make people leave home - poverty, overcrowding, lack of jobs, war, political oppression Pull factors draw people to an area - employment, education, rights, freedom, peace

Human-Environment Interaction Earth is a unified system humans depend on, adapt to, and modify their environment Environment influences human life - environmental influences can be harmful: hurricanes, earthquakes People interact with the environment through everything they do In the past, how did people adapt their ways of life to the environment?

Human-Environment Interaction Adaptation Humans often adapt their way of life to the local environment learn to fish near water; farm on fertile land build dwellings using local materials wear clothing suitable for local conditions Technology has lessened the need to adapt to local environments