Do You Know Your Conversions?
Metric Conversions Click on the space bar when you want to reveal the answers. 1 cm = ____ mm 1 dm = ____ cm 1 m = _____ cm 1 km = _____ m ,000
US Conversions Click on the space bar when you want to reveal the answers. 1 ft = ____ in 1 yd = ____ ft 1 yd = _____ in 1 mi = _____ ft ,280
What are the Metric conversions? Click on the space bar when you want to reveal the answers. Order does not matter as long as you have the 4 conversions cm = 10 mm 1 dm = 10 cm 1 m = 100 cm 1 km = 1,000 m
What are the US conversion? Click on the space bar when you want to reveal the answers. Order does not matter as long as you have the 4 conversions ft = 12 in 1 yd = 3 ft 1 yd = 36 in 1 mi = 5,280 ft