All That Corn Vocabulary Lesson
ELA1R5 The student acquires and uses grade-level words to communicate effectively. The student a. Reads and listens to a variety of texts and uses new words in oral and written language. b. Recognizes grade-level words with multiple meanings. c. Identifies words that are opposites (antonyms) or have similar meanings (synonyms).
Essential Questions How do we communicate? Why do I learn new words? Can words mean more than one thing?
Word List all that where here very buy
all that very where here buy Where did you find ____ ball? that Where did you find that ball?
all that very where here buy _____ is my pencil? where Where is my pencil?
all that very where here buy I can _____ a new hat. buy I can buy a new hat.
all that very where here buy I want _____ of the apples! all I want all of the apples!
all that very where here buy The turtles are _____ slow. very The turtles are very slow.
all that very where here buy Sit over _____ by me. here Sit over here by me.
Practice buy that very where here all here buy where that very