Quand j’etais petit(E)… FR2 Project: memorize and present in class
Quand j’etais petit(e) Reflect on how your life has changed since you were a child. Answer 5 of the questions in complete sentences. Then, use your answers to type the information into an essay. Turn in both (draft & final copy). Next, you will use the same information from the five questions you wrote about to prepare a power point or prezi of your childhood and your life now. *Include among your pictures at least one of yourself as a small child and a picture of yourself now. The project should only include pictures. However, you may include a written title and names of places or people. Your presentation will be memorized. Post your project at: http://www.edmodo.com with your name and Quand j’étais petit(e) as the file name
Quand j’étais petit(e) Maintenant 1. Qu’est-ce que tu mangeais quand tu étais petitt(e) ? Maintenant, qu’est-ce que tu manges? 2. Où habitais-tu quand tu étais petit(e)? Et maintenant, où habites tu? 3. Quelles émissions de télé regardais-tu? Et maintenant, qu’est-ce que tu regardes à la télé? 4. Comment étais-tu quand tu étais petit(e)? Et maintenant, comment es-tu? 5. Avais-tu un animal favori ou une mascote? Et maintenant, as-tu un animal favori? 6. Allais-tu au parc souvent? Et maintenant, vas-tu au parc souvent? 7. Faisais-tu une promenade en vélo? Et maintenant, fais-tu une promenade en vélo ou conduis-tu une voiture? 8. Avec quels jouets jouais-tu? Et maintenant, qu’est-ce que tu joues? 9. Ton comportement était-il bon a l’école elementaire? Et maintenant, comment est ton comportement au lycée? 10. T’occupais-tu de tes corvées? Et maintenant, t’occupes-tu des corvées? Quelles sont tes corvées?
Beginning/Developing Content Accomplished 5-4 Competent 3-2 Beginning/Developing 1-0 Five questions I answered all 5 questions in complete sentences. I included details. I include d a typed copy. I answered some of the questions. Some details were included. I answered few or none of the questions. Use of the Imperfect Tense I conjugated all sentences with the correct use of the imperfect verb. (0-1 errors) I conjugated the imperfect verb correctly some of the time. (2-3 errors) I made numerous errors with the imperfect verb. (4+ errors) Use of the Present Tense I conjugated all sentences with the correct use of the present tense verb. I conjugated the present tense verb correctly some of the time. I made numerous errors with the present tense verb. Spelling & Grammar: person agreement Etre 0-2 errors 3-5 errors more than 5 errors Quality and Creativity: I presented my project fluently and in a creative, eye-catching manner. It shows evidence of thought and enthusiasm. I presented, however, I hesitated a bit. My project was somewhat attractive. I could have put more thought into it. I should have practiced my lines more. My project was neither creative nor evident of thought. Total points possible: 25