What type of noun? Active or Passive Verb ? Correct Adjective or Adverb PN, PA DO, IO Prepositional Phrases Simple, Compound, or Complex? $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
While babysitting her younger sister, Maria sang many songs and read several books. concrete, abstract, collective, or compound concrete What is ________?
Some people have a fear of going to the dentist. concrete, abstract, collective, or compound abstract What is ________?
Today’s companies request employees who have good computer skills. (needs 2 answers) concrete, abstract, collective, or compound concrete, collective What is ________?
Most eighth graders say their favorite place in school is their language arts classroom. (2 answers) concrete, abstract, collective, or compound concrete, compound What is ________?
True equality requires hard work from all citizens. concrete, abstract, collective, or compound abstract What is ________?
The giant pandas at the National Zoo are visited by millions of people. Passive Millions of people visit the giant pandas at the national Zoo. What is ________?
Vince Lombardi coached many successful teams. Active Many successful teams were coached by Vince Lombardi. What is ________?
Sixteen pizzas were eaten by the famished junior high soccer team. Identify the verb, then change the verb to be the opposite type. Passive The famished junior high soccer team ate sixteen pizzas. What is ________?
The human body contains about 60,000 miles of blood vessels. Active About 60,000 miles of blood vessels are contained by the human body. What is ________?
The Van Meeteren’s television remote control was lost by their two-year-old grandson. Passive The Van Meeteren’s two-year-old grandson lost their remote control. What is ________?
President Obama arrives at meetings (earlier /more earlier) than President Bush did. earlier What is ________?
The doors to the high school open (easy/easily). easily What is ________?
The doctor told Jack Nicholson, “Plastic surgery can remove (them, those) bags under your eyes.” those What is ________?
“I (can / can’t) hardly believe that we are in a new century,” said the World War II veteran. can What is ________?
The total damage done by vandals in 1999 was (worse / more worst) than that done in worse What is ________?
It was our favorite vacation ever. PN What are ________?
They threw his dad the ball. IO, DO What are ________?
Emily is one of our very good friends. PN What is ________?
Throughout the summer, we were busy and excited about every new day. PA, PA What is ________?
Ali showed us the pictures from her Hawaiian vacation. IO, DO What is ________?
Students who attend school during the summer months often decide they like it. During the summer months What is ________?
We accidentally hiked off the path during the blizzard. Off the path, During the blizzard What is ________?
We walked around the zoo, stopping at the gorilla house twice. Around the zoo, at the gorilla house What is ________?
Information concerning registration for school is sent to your homes. For school, To your homes What is ________?
Driving past the movie set of Psycho frightened everyone except me! Past the movie set, of Psycho, except me What is ________?
Dad came in on the midnight flight, and we met him at the gate. compound What is ________?
It is really cool when the pilots fly the planes upside down. complex What is ________?
One of my goals is to pilot an airplane, not for exhibition, just for fun. simple What is ________?
Even with our differences of opinion, we were able to choose the same toppings for our pizza. What is ________?
Whether they are Air Force or civilian pilots, their expertise should be respected and admired. What is ________?