Gender Audit. Traditional use of audit relates to accounting: Analysis of gender budget Gender audit still evolving… -now used interchangeably with evaluation.


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Presentation transcript:

Gender Audit

Traditional use of audit relates to accounting: Analysis of gender budget Gender audit still evolving… -now used interchangeably with evaluation

Framework and a process of performance accounting Build on existing documentation and using empirical data account for its social performance report on that performance Draw up an action plan to improve on that performance Understand its impact on the community and be accountable to its key stakeholders

Identifies importance of examining systems, processes within institutions and NOT just accounts Working on gender issues obliges organizations to set their own houses in order, and changes aspects of the organizational culture which discriminate against women staff and women beneficiaries.

Used to determine if gender mainstreaming actions and plans have in fact been implemented

Identifying criteria for assessment to measure achievement of goals 1) evaluate extent of implementation – monitor and evaluate the implementation of gender issues into procedures Ex. Integration of gender into programme or project cycle 2) impact evaluation – measure impact of interventions on impacts and outcomes i.e. gender equality and womens empowerment

Identification of uniform or standard criteria Measuring impacts on power and status – long-term, costly to undertake

1) Expansion in peoples ability to make strategic life choices in a context where this ability was previously denied to them (Naila Kabeer) Six dimensions of empowerment Economic Socio-cultural Familial, interpersonal Legal Political Psychological

2) Participation in decision making 3) SIDA impact assessment Practical gender needs and strategic gender changes womens empowerment Men, male roles and masculinities

4) NGOs use the Sarah Longwe Empowerment Framework 5) Composite indicators MDGs Gender-related Development Index

Example 1: Inter Action (NGO) Example 2:DFID Malawi Gender Audit (Donor Agency) Example 3:Cambodian Case (GO Ministry of Education/UNICEF) Example 4: Fiji Ministry of Agriculture/ Health (GO)

InterAction and SNV – international NGOs instrumental in pioneering a methodology for measuring internal institutional progres Gender audit: an assessment tool and process for organizations to use in identifying how gender issues are addressed in their programming portfolio and internal organizational processes HOW: Participatory gender audits: self-assessment, allow participants full participation and self- reflection

Stage 1: Gender audit questionnaire - Help org to assess range of understanding, attitudes, perceptions on the status of gender equality in their orgs programs and processes - Focus on 5 programming areas and 6 areas of organizational processes

Stage 2: Discussion, analysis and planning phase. Review result of questionnaire thru FGDs and planning sessions Output: Detailed action plan that builds on organizational strength and outlines initiatives, strategies, processes and guidelines to integrate gender into weaker areas Desired Outcome: Shared ownership and action to move toward a gender-friendly environment

Consistent and demonstrated political will from senior managers in the org Heavy on internal processes Uses self-assessment questionnaires and lengthy focus group-based planning process Quantitative information comes from analysis of questionnaire Comprehensive, lengthy, costly

External operational assessment of DFIDMs development objectives in relation to GM in its policies, programmes and projects – emphasis on quantifying the costs of persisting inequality Internal organizational assessment of management objectives of GM