Ceramics & Sculpture Materials
Sketchbook 8.5” x 11” or larger Bound or Spiral NO Pads.
Drawing Pencils Drawing/Sketching Pencils – HB, 2B, 4B, 6B, etc. Minimum of 4 pencils.
Hand-held Pencil Sharpener
Drawing/Sketching Set Is more cost efficient.
Adult-Size Cardboard Shoe Box
1 Can of Spray Paint In GOLD, BLACK or WHITE. ***Must have an adult present to purchase.
1 Old Hardbound Book
1 Old Towel (to be cut up) or Rags
2 Small Plastic Tupperware containers OR 2 plastic bowls
A Variety of Paintbrushes – Min. 4 brushes Synthetic hair – Taklon, Sable, Nylon NO natural hair
Additional Questions If you are unsure or would like more specific recommendations – please me.