Tyler Perry life
Tyler Perry was born on September 13, 1983 He is now 44. Tyler is a famous book, play maker and movie star. He began his work in the great city of New Orleans. Oprah started Tyler on famous journey to success. Tyler always watched Oprah and one day wanted to do what she wanted to do or something like it.
Tyler is a very good basketball player. He likes to go to the gym on spare time to work on his jump shot. He also likes to play music for some of his future movies or plays.
Temptation Gods deeds For colored girls Alex cross I can do bad all by myself Why did I get married Madea geos to jail Diary of a black woman Daddy's little girls The family that prays
Tyler spends most of his time at church worshiping the lord. Sometimes he sings in the choir or plays the instruments.
Making music, singing, Sports, Drawing, Making plays.
Tyler played basketball at the age of 13. He really liked Oprah and wanted to be like her.
Madea is a movie that Tyler Perry made on a true story. He always wanted to start a business because he wanted to be famous.
Sketches plays Writes books Plays in movies Favorite person to ask for help is Oprah. Helps his mom in spare time Comedian
Will smith Oprah Michael Jackson Adam Sandler
Tyler Perry was born in an old home in new Orleans. His family wasn’t all that but they survived. Tyler was verbally abused by his dad.
Tyler likes to eat pasta. That is his favorite food to eat when in doubt.
Longest yard Fast and furious Rush hour Taken G.I. Joe
His movies are filmed in Atlanta cause that’s were Tyler Perry feels comfortable.
I think Tyler Perry is a good play author. He always cracks me up about things. He needs to keep the good work up.