It is an electrically powered lifting appliance. It can have an open or an enclosed lift- way. It can have a fully enclosed car or an open platform carriage within the liftway. It is intended for persons with impaired mobility (for people who have problems using stairs). What is a lifting platform?
With an open carriage, a platform lift has hold-to-run push buttons which will allow the platform to stop immediately when released. The platform carriage hold-to-run buttons have priority over the outside landing call buttons. With a fully enclosed car automatic controls may be used. Automatic controls have priority over the outside landing call button Hold-to-run push buttons
The speed of a lifting platform must not exceed 0,15 m/s. The slow speed will limit the stopping distance of a moving platform, to a maximum of mm. Travel speed is limited to 0,15 m/s.
Sensitive safety edges or photo cell protection are mounted where the platform is open to the surrounding shaft walls. The distance between the platform and the smooth, hard, surrounding shaft walls is maximum <10-20 mm. Sensitive safety edges or photo cell protection Sensitive safety edges or photo cell protection for added safety
Due to different climate zones and traditions in Europe there are two main drive systems for lifting platforms. The hydraulic drive system is the most common in southern and central Europe whilst the screw drive system is more common in the northern parts of Europe. Drive systems for lifting platforms.