CURRICULUM NIGHT 5th Grade Sawnee Elementary Mrs. Gomez and Mrs. Kauffman August 20, 2011 Our Mission Statement: Sawnee Elementary School prepares children to be life-long learners, self-motivators, and responsible citizens functioning in a global society.
5 th Grade Plus All 4 th and 5 th grades in FCSS will be using Grade PLUS for the school year. Grading and Assessment Video
Mathematics Houghton Mifflin (Adopted Text) Whole Group and Small Group Number of the Week IXL/Study Island Homework IXL and Study Island
Formatives Algebra Data Analysis Fractions Decimals Geometry Measurement Number Sense, Place Value, & Estimating Problem Solving
Reading / Grammar/Writing Scott Foresman Reading Street (Adopted Text) Incorporating novel studies Whole Group and Small Group Accelerated Reader Study Island Homework/Reading Log Scholastic Book Orders
Writing Four genres: Narrative, Persuasive, Expository, and Response to Literature. Skills taught using Empowering Writers. CRCT Writing Test- beginning of March Writing Journals
Formatives Reading Fiction Comprehension Nonfiction Comprehension Vocabulary Fluency English Grammar/Parts of Speech Research & Writing Sentence Construction
Science Teaching GPS Standards Earth Science, Physical Science, and Life Science Grading Daily class work, In-class Projects, Quizzes, Tests 4 ½ Weeks per Quarter Health will be covered in the Science classroom
Social Studies Teaching GPS Standards Continue studying the history of the United States, beginning with The Civil War to the present Geography, Economics, and Government will be embedded in our study of American History. Grading Daily class work, Quizzes, Tests, In-class projects 4 ½ Weeks per Quarter
Conduct Card Reasons for signing include: Lunchroom behavior, unprepared, off task/out of seat, not following directions, disrespectful, disruptive behavior/excessive talking Missing homework does not count towards the marks – just to make families and students aware Consequences 2 marks – 1 day of silent lunch 3 marks – 3 days of silent lunch 4 marks – Begin Behavior Plan/Conference with parent 5 marks – Lose 9 week Bash 6 marks – Conference with student, parents, teachers, & administrator
Benchmark Assessments –October –February CRCT Writing –March 7 th CRCT –April Important Assessment Dates
Useful Websites Houghton Mifflin (Math, Science, Social Studies) –Website: –Textbooks: Sawnee5classroom Sawnee5 Pearson SuccessNet: Sawnee Website:
Teacher Extensions Reading/ Social Studies Mrs. Chester: Mrs. Gomez: Ms. Mengel: Mrs. Pagan: Mrs. Stephenson: Math/ Science Mrs. Henderson: Mrs. Kauffman: Mrs. Moran: Mr. Pagan: Mr. Walden:
THANK YOU FOR JOINING US THIS EVENING! It’s going to be a wild and exciting year!