Welcome to Hope for the Children Foundation
WHO WE ARE? Hope for the Children Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is dedicated to the well-being of the orphans and underprivileged children of India.
WHAT WE DO? We provide food and empower orphans and poor children through education, skill-development, reliance program and aid.
INDIAN STATISTICS DID YOU KNOW THAT: India has more than 375 million children, the largest number for any country in the world? Nearly 50 percent of the world's hungry are in India? 47% of children in India are underweight with widespread chronic malnutrition? 5.6 million children die every year because they are not getting enough of the right nutrition?
INDIAN STATISTICS DID YOU KNOW THAT: India has the largest population of street children? Street children suffer from destitution, neglect, abuse and exploitation. It is estimated that in urban areas alone, there are 11 million children on the streets. More than 18 million children are orphans? 90 million children are out of school and that significant proportions of them are engaged in child labour and are malnourished?
OUR VISION We believe that quality education is a vehicle for positive changes which will transform children mentally, morally and spiritually. However, unless their hunger is not addressed first, their education remains of secondary importance.
OUR VISION If orphans are given better opportunity and access to education, their own future as well as that of India would improve to a great extent. Then, these statistics will only belong to the past.
WHO DO WE HELP? We adopt projects and support orphanages, schools in slum areas, homes for street children, organizations for disabled and challenged children & children at risk.
WHERE ARE THE BENEFICIARIES? With the help of many goodwill people and Project Coordinators, we are in 5 major cities in India: New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune and Chennai. We also collaborate with different NGOs in Jaipur, Lucknow and Bangalore.
Hope for the Children Foundation Since its inauguration in May 2006, the Foundation has been working tirelessly to make a difference in the quality of life of orphans and poor children. Throughout the years, the Foundation has been developing and monitoring projects for the benefit of orphans and underprivileged children.
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM Adopt-An-Orphanage Program™ GMCKS Memorial Feeding and Humanitarian Aid HIV Infected and Affected Children Children Education Fund
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM Adopt-An-Orphanage Program™ From our constant interaction with different orphanages, we realize that their major struggle is to receive donations on a regular basis. Thus, to help them, we have started the ADOPT-AN-ORPHANAGE™ Program.
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM ADOPT-AN-ORPHANAGE™ Program provides: Nutritional Supply Children Educational Assistance In-Kind Donation Medical Aid Building Vocational Centers
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM Nutritional Supply: We provide monthly grocery items (e.g., rice, dal, wheat, oil, sugar, and other related needs). We do monthly visits to insure that the rations are properly accounted for and used for the benefit of the children.
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM Children Educational Assistance: Orphan children are given educational support at the start of each academic year: school fees for the year, text books, note books, stationery, school bag, 2 uniforms and 1 pair of shoes.
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM In-Kind Donation: We supply items like blankets, beds, toiletries and other basic items to meet the needs of the children.
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM Medical Aid: We financially support poor children and orphans for surgery or for any medical need like first-aid boxes, medicines, and annual health camps.
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM Vocational Center: We build Vocation Training Centers to ensure earning ability and to empower children through skills development and self-reliance program. Simple meditation techniques of Master Choa Kok Sui are also taught to the children. .
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM 2. GMCKS Memorial Feeding and Humanitarian Aid Every month around India, we provide a mid-meal and cooked food to schools, day care center for the children of construction workers, street children and children from the red light area to more than 5,000 children.
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM 2. GMCKS Memorial Feeding and Humanitarian Aids We supply humanitarian aid through emergency relief by supplying food, clothing, blankets, medical care and other items during natural disasters and calamities.
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM 3. HIV Affected children HIV infections are attributable to mother-to-child transmission occurring during pregnancy, or at the time of birth, or through breastfeeding.
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM 3. HIV Affected children According to the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO); 33,000 newborns get HIV every year from their infected mothers. Over 50% of these children die within two years from birth while 80% of them die within five years.
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM 3. HIV Affected children For children whose parents are living with HIV, life is a series of hardships. As the disease progresses, the parents fall ill repeatedly and this leads eventually to loss of job. Children are often forced to leave school, start earning a living and take care of their parents and younger siblings.
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM 3. HIV Affected children Low household income and increasing medical expenses strain families’ resources. Many children not only see their parents die but also live with the stigma of being associated with someone who had AIDS.
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM 3. HIV Affected children Hope for the Children Foundation provides supplementary nutrition to 100 children affected with HIV. A balanced high protein diet rich in iron are essential for these children. This helps them maintain weight, strength and a happy disposition. This also helps reduce the frequency of illnesses related to the consequence of HIV.
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM 3. HIV Affected children Records show that children on supplementary nutrition show 1.02 kg average weight gain per child, 2.05 cm average height increase per child and 33.28 per cent increase in T-cell count reflecting higher immunity in a short span of time.
MAJOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAM 4. Children Education Fund It is estimated that between 40-60 per cent of children in the 6-14 age group are out of school. The Children’s Education Fund was initiated to help alleviate the present situation. We support and assist financially children from poor socio-economic backgrounds by sponsoring basic education, vocational training, alternative education, arts and recreational education, and higher education.
OUR ACHIEVEMENT At present 17 projects have been adopted by the Foundation: 9 orphanages through the “ADOPT-AN- ORPHANAGE” Program; 2 NGO’s that help HIV Infected and Affected children; 6 Schools that help underprivileged children from the slum of Pune, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Andhra Pradesh.
OUR ACHIEVEMENT As of today, we have provided more than 1,000 scholarships to orphans and very poor children by providing school fees, text books, note books, stationeries, school bags, school uniform, shoes, and related materials. At the start of each scholastic year, we provide more than 10,000 note books and pens to children of the slums. We also supply computers to schools and NGO’s in needs.
OUR ACHIEVEMENT Hope for the Children Foundation has served more than 1,700,000 meals for the last three years and help more then 40 NGOs across India. At present, we are giving 70,000 meals every month to 14 NGOs in India.
OUR ACHIEVEMENT Hope for the Children Foundation has established itself as a valuable asset to orphanages and NGO’s. Our dedication and love for children in need has been possible with the help of many donors, volunteers, hard-working employees and project coordinators from all our branches in India.
OUR PARTNERS Hope for the Children Foundation partners with many NGO’s across India specially in times of natural disaster like the Tsunami in Tamil Nadu, Mumbai floods, the Bihar floods. We conduct medical camps in collaboration with esteemed hospitals in India such as in Pune and Jaipur.
OUR OBJECTIVE FOR 2009-2010 Hope for the Children Foundation is committed to continue to extend his help to new partner NGOs by Adopting 7 new orphanages: 1 New Delhi 1 Kolkata 2 Mumbai 2 Pune 1 Chennai 2) Build 2 MCKS Vocational Training Centers and Meditation Centers 3) Distribute more than 100,000 meals a month.
HOW YOU CAN HELP? education and daily food ration. 1. You can sponsor an orphan by contributing to his education and daily food ration. 2. Sponsor an entire orphanage for one year. 3. You can sponsor an HIV infected child for his monthly food provision. 4. You can donate towards building a Vocational Center. 5. You can sponsor a medical camp.
HOW YOU CAN HELP? 6. Donate books or learning materials and computers. Get your company to start “Payroll Giving Scheme”. Volunteer your skills, expertise and time. Organize fundraising events in your community, workplace or among family and friends. 10. Donate towards the Humanitarian Aid Fund. 3
HOW WE DO IT? Hope for the Children Foundation values the trust and faith you have placed in us when making a donation. To ensure that we live up to your trust, we have created a list of procedure and selection processes to assess the authenticity and needs each NGO. The process ensures that your donation reaches the right people and is utilized appropriately.
HOW YOU CAN HELP No matter how large or small your contribution is, your money will make a difference in achieving our common goal: “To empower orphans and underprivileged children by providing independence, hope, dignity and giving them an opportunity for sustainability and earning ability for life” “Together, we can be the change we want to see in the world.”
HOPE FOR THE CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL CONTACT US HOPE FOR THE CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL Here are the details to send your donation: ING Bank (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Account Holder: Hope for the Children International Account number: 4158495 IBAN Number: NL33INGB0004158495 BIC Number: INGBNL2A. For information, please contact us at: info@hopeforthechildren.info For donation with Paypal and Visa, please go to our web site: www.hopeforthechildren.info