»This template gives you a starting point to create a presentation to managers on workplace health and wellbeing. »If you have any evaluation data available, you might like to include specific details of your organisation’s current health status (e.g. poor nutrition found through a survey) or health risk factors (e.g. high rate of sedentary work, poor food preparation facilities). »The template includes slides, speaking notes (below) and prompts (in italics). It can be changed as needed to suit your specific needs. »Healthier Workplace WA has resources that you can access online to support this presentation, including the Evidence Factsheet, and the Plan Do Review Guide. »This presentation should take minutes to present. »If you need assistance in tailoring this presentation to your organisation, contact Healthier Workplace WA on Delete this slide before using this presentation Using this presentation
WORKPLACE HEALTH & WELLBEING Investing in your greatest asset
Introduction »Overview videoOverview video
The workplace - a priority setting The World Health Organisation recognises the workplace as a priority setting for health promotion. »Spend at least 60% of our day at work »Work environments have been changing More sedentary Longer hours Mentally and/or physically demanding »Negative impact on health made worse by Smoking Alcohol consumption Unhealthy eating Physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour »Implementing a workplace health and wellbeing program Significant health and wellbeing benefits for our staff members Boost productivity Help our organisation’s “bottom line”
Why invest? »Smoking, poor nutrition, alcohol consumption and physical inactivity are all leading, modifiable risk factors for chronic disease. »Chronic disease includes those such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer. »The workplace can positively influence these risk factors, leading to reductions in chronic disease. »Effective workplace health and wellbeing programs can: »Improve overall worker health by 24%. 1 »Increase productivity at work by 29%. 1 »Reduce absence due to sickness by 21%. 1 »Positively affect presenteeism (reduced rates of staff coming into work sick). 2 »Create a positive work environment which can help reduce health risks and improve productivity in the workplace. 2 »Result in happier and safer workers. 3, 4
The cost of not investing »High costs are associated with having an unhealthy workforce »Return-on-investment from $1.40 to $4.70 for every $1 spent (over 3 years) 5 »Significant savings can be achieved by reducing obesity in the workplace 6 »Poor health increases the likelihood of industrial accidents or injuries 7 »Too much sitting increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, breast and colon cancer 8 »Workers that smoke can cost businesses in terms of lost productivity due to smoking breaks, sick leave and presenteeism 9
Benefits for business
The bottom line $XX Potential savings from implementing a workplace health program Sick leave savings $XX Staff turnover savings $XX A healthier workplace will boost your productivity. It's good for business and the numbers show this. For more information on the methodology behind the calculator see hwwa.com.au/calculator
»Support program development »Allocate coordinator time and any other resources »Support development and promotion of health policies and supportive environments »Encourage and support the workplace health program coordinator to attend free HWWA training or PD events »Support staff consultation processes and encourage staff feedback »Ensure all levels of management endorse the program »Be a role model »Participate in key program activities/events »Encourage workers to participate How management can support the program
Case Study
The time to act is now »How Healthier Workplace WA can help »Offer free workplace assistance, training and support »Funding until June 2015