The Future in BIM Enabled Integrated Project Delivery
WELCOME Mark Lowe National President - AMCA Group Managing Director BSA Building Services Division
BIM Proprietary Design CAM Fabrication Confusion around what BIM is Is BIM a fad or an emerging project delivery tool that has created significant opportunities and challenges? Is BIM in Australia delivering the economic benefit to the supply chain and ultimately the client? WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM?
BIM Proprietary Design CAM Fabrication Divergence in rate of adoption of BIM Industry going in many different directions BIM Software “spruikers” Lack of clarity in the contract responsibilities, obligations and deliverables for BIM projects WHY IS BIM IN AUSTRALIA IN THIS POSITION?
BIM Proprietary Design CAM Fabrication Clear lack of standards in relation to software content and model development The quest for the perfect solution to workflow and metadata integrity via IFC & Fully Integrated Project Models Lack of workflow solutions for the dominant Building Services BIM software products in Australia being REVIT and TSI Lack of leadership in the Construction sector to provide a unified voice and solutions for these issues WHY IS BIM IN AUSTRALIA IN THIS POSITION?
BIM Proprietary Design CAM Fabrication AMCA has taken a leadership position and has engaged with a large part of the Construction industry supply chain to provide an Industry solution Focus has been on: Practices Model standards Workflow solutions Communicated the problem and Industry solution to Government Created 9 sub-committees to develop and deliver our solution - BIM-MEP AUS Provided $150K hard cash and $300K value in kind WHAT HAVE WE DONE?
BIM Proprietary Design CAM Fabrication Engaged with the supply chain to develop a model for how specialist equipment and consumer product libraries are to be developed – P.I.A. Delivered BIM awareness training programs to the Industry in WA, SA, VIC and NSW. Commenced work with specialist software vendors to develop content built to BIM-MEP AUS standards Developed practical solutions for the two dominant BIM enabling software platforms in Building Services industry in Australia REVIT and TSI CAD-Duct Commenced communicating our vision to the Electrical, Plumbing, Fire and Lift Industry and have their in principle support for BIM-MEP AUS WHAT HAVE WE DONE?
BIM Proprietary Design CAM Fabrication Andrew Krake – BIM-MEP AUS Website Warwick Stannus – Overview and Model Workflow Duncan Sharpe and Albert Watson – Modlling Standards and demonstration Warwick Stannus & Geoff Thew – Supplier Workflows and Managed Content demonstration Ben Leigh – Case Study – Pump Models Jim Reis – Workflow solutions demonstration David Grant & John Inman – BIM-to-site solutions Keynote – Mr Paul Nunn – Benefits to Head Contractors WHAT YOU WILL TAKE AWAY TODAY
BIM Proprietary Design CAM Fabrication Paul King – BIM Execution Plans and Projectwise demonstration Robert Phillpot – Collaborative BIM demonstration Carl Agar – BIM Project IT guidelines Keynote – Michael Cannistraro – USA Experience Rob Malkin – Autodesk BIM-MEP AUS Vision Mark Lowe – Implementation Plan WHAT YOU WILL TAKE AWAY TODAY