BIM-MEP AUS Pump Industry Australia The PIA represents pump manufacturers and distributors across all pump industries across Australia AMCA approached the PIA to create a sub committee of different pump manufacturers to collaborate with, contractors, consultants and software providers.
BIM-MEP AUS Manufacturer Involvement Pump Manufacturers one of the first workgroups established to develop workflow and content. Benefits to consultants and contractors. What are the benefits for supplier involvement Costs incurred by suppliers versus value generated to our customers. Content development & hosting supply agreements
BIM-MEP AUS Model Content Development End suction back pull out spacer coupled ISO2858 & DIN EN733 pumps Generic dimensions between all manufacturers Basic pump used in Australia traditionally for last 25 years Defined range of pump volute sizes approximately 50 models per range With motor variants included this brings each range to 400 variants. Limited generic BIM models required to cover range of manufacturers Ideal 1 st product for proving content development and creation of workflow processes.
BIM-MEP AUS Model Content Development Agreement on required model attributes:- Fixed dimensions Manufacturer variable dimensions Level of model detail – electrical, ventilation, service access etc Industry best practice input from consultants, contractors & manufacturers for creation of BIM pump equipment schedule with fields for:- Design schedule Performance schedule Installed pump data Commissioning schedule Complete life traceability of the pump procurement program attached to the building documentation.
BIM-MEP AUS Managed Content Proposal (WIP) Preliminary content development and hosting proposals created, currently under review. Identification and communication to generate understanding of BIM models for other pump ranges / cost of creation, modification and hosting for the complete range across all building pumped applications.
BIM-MEP AUS the next 10,000 BIM models