The Future in BIM Integrated Project Delivery
Where’s the engagement in BIM gone?? BIM Proprietary Design CAM Fabrication Perceived to be too complex and too difficult to use Lack of standardization / Model Sizes & Management Industry shortage of people with BIM skills and expertise Expensive with no return on investment
BIM Proprietary Design CAD Construction and Detailing CAM Fabrication CAD As-Installed 2D PDF CAD CAD-CAM Is this really BIM?Current Industry Practices
Federated Model => complexity BIM-MEP AUS Design BIM Construction CAD Shop Detailing BIM As-Installed CAM Fabrication Designers Federated Model BIM-MEP AUS Shop Detailing Architectural Component Model Structural Component Model Plumbing Component Model Fire Component Model Steel Fab Component Model Other Sub - Component Model Electrical Component Model Mechanical Component Model Sub-Contractors
So what did we decide to do ? BIM Proprietary Design CAD Construction and Detailing CAM Fabrication CAD As-Installed Engage all levels of the supply chain Find and bring together the best software developers and service providers we could find Redefine model content scheduling for supply chain integration Work to resolve the technical issues and reduce complexity to create a productive work environment for all Test our theories
Step Change Innovation
Vendor independent - vendor specific Collaborative / inclusive Built on Australian and International Best Practice
Step Change Innovation
BIM-MEP AUS WorkFlows: BIM All The Way BIM-MEP AUS Design BIM Construction CAD Shop Detailing BIM As-Installed FAB-MEP AUS CAM Fabrication BIM-MEP AUS Construction BIM-MEP AUS Commissioned As-Built BIM-MEP AUS Fabrication Duct Fabrication Pipe Fabrication Duct Fabrication Commissioning
BIM-MEP AUS Workflows / BIM Asset Life Cycle Model DesignConstruction Commissioning & As Built Handover Facility Management
BIM-MEP AUS Workflows / BIM All The Way BIM-MEP AUS Design BIM Construction CAD Shop Detailing BIM As-Installed FAB-MEP AUS CAM Fabrication BIM-MEP AUS Construction BIM-MEP AUS Commissioned As-Built BIM-MEP AUS Fabrication Duct Fabrication Pipe Fabrication Duct Fabrication Commissioning
BIM-MEP AUS Workflows / Efficiency 2 BIM-MEP AUS Design BIM Construction CAD Shop Detailing CAM Fabrication Designers Federated Model BIM – MEP AUS BIM / IPD EXECUTION PLAN Architectural Component Model Structural Component Model BIM-MEP AUS BIM ALL THE WAY
Federated Model => complexity BIM-MEP AUS Design BIM Construction CAD Shop Detailing BIM As-Installed CAM Fabrication Designers Federated Model BIM-MEP AUS Shop Detailing Architectural Component Model Structural Component Model Plumbing Component Model Fire Component Model Steel Fab Component Model Other Sub - Component Model Electrical Component Model Mechanical Component Model Sub-Contractors
BIM-MEP AUS Workflows / Efficiency 2 BIM-MEP AUS Design BIM Construction CAD Shop Detailing CAM Fabrication Designers Federated Model BIM – MEP AUS BIM / IPD EXECUTION PLAN Architectural Component Model Structural Component Model BIM-MEP AUS BIM ALL THE WAY
BIM-MEP AUS Workflows / BIM All The Way BIM-MEP AUS Design BIM Construction CAD Shop Detailing BIM As-Installed FAB-MEP AUS CAM Fabrication BIM-MEP AUS Construction BIM-MEP AUS Commissioned As-Built BIM-MEP AUS Fabrication Duct Fabrication Pipe Fabrication Duct Fabrication Commissioning
BIM-MEP AUS Workflows / BIM All The Way BIM-MEP AUS Design Model BIM Construction CAD Shop Detailing BIM As-Installed FAB-MEP AUS CAM Fabrication BIM-MEP AUS Construction Model BIM-MEP AUS Commissioned As-Built Model BIM-MEP AUS Estimating and Fabrication D&P Fabrication Pre-Fabrication BIM-MEP AUS Managed Content Site SUPPLIER BMA MODELS Duct Fabrication Scheduling Commissioning Site Positioning FAB MODELS Duct FabricationB2B Procurement
BIM-MEP AUS Workflows / BIM All The Way BIM-MEP AUS Design Model BIM Construction CAD Shop Detailing BIM As-Installed FAB-MEP AUS CAM Fabrication BIM-MEP AUS Construction Model BIM-MEP AUS Commissioned As-Built Model BIM-MEP AUS Estimating and Fabrication D&P Fabrication Pre-Fabrication BIM-MEP AUS Managed Content Site SUPPLIER BMA MODELS Duct Fabrication Scheduling Commissioning Site Positioning FAB MODELS Duct FabricationB2B Procurement BIM-MEP AUS Execution Plan / BIM Model Management System
BIM-MEP AUS BIM-MEP AUS Design Model BIM Construction CAD Shop Detailing BIM As-Installed FAB-MEP AUS CAM Fabrication BIM-MEP AUS Construction Model BIM-MEP AUS Commissioned As-Built Model D&P Fabrication Pre-Fabrication BIM-MEP AUS Managed Content Site SUPPLIER BMA MODELS Duct Fabrication Scheduling Commissioning Site Positioning BIM-MEP AUS Execution Plan / BIM Model Management System FAB MODELS Duct FabricationB2B BIM-MEP AUS Estimating and Fabrication Education and Training / Best Practice Guidelines
BIM-MEP AUS Models: Managed Content BIM-MEP AUS Design Model BIM Construction CAD Shop Detailing BIM As-Installed CAM Fabrication BIM-MEP AUS Estimating and Shop Detailing D&P Fabrication Duct Fabrication Built to defined standards and strict data management protocols – including ANZRS Integrate with to the BIM-MEP AUS software to support IPD to provide a range of value added functions: B2B Procurement Estimating and Tendering Manufacturer interfaces Independently Certified
Federated Model => complexity BIM-MEP AUS Design BIM Construction CAD Shop Detailing BIM As-Installed CAM Fabrication Designers Federated Model BIM-MEP AUS Shop Detailing Architectural Component Model Structural Component Model Plumbing Component Model Fire Component Model Steel Fab Component Model Other Sub - Component Model Electrical Component Model Mechanical Component Model Sub-Contractors
Step Change Innovation
BIM-MEP AUS OUR MISSION STATEMENT BIM-MEP AUS Design Model BIM Construction CAD Shop Detailing BIM As-Installed FAB-MEP AUS CAM Fabrication BIM-MEP AUS Construction Model BIM-MEP AUS Commissioned As-Built Model D&P Fabrication Pre-Fabrication BIM-MEP AUS Managed Content Site SUPPLIER BMA MODELS Duct Fabrication Scheduling Commissioning Site Positioning BIM-MEP AUS Execution Plan / BIM Model Management System FAB MODELS Duct FabricationB2B BIM-MEP AUS Estimating and Fabrication Education and Training / Best Practice Guidelines
BIM-MEP AUS Workflows / BIM All The Way BIM-MEP AUS Design BIM Construction CAD Shop Detailing BIM As-Installed FAB-MEP AUS CAM Fabrication BIM-MEP AUS Construction BIM-MEP AUS Commissioned As-Built BIM-MEP AUS Fabrication Duct Fabrication Pipe Fabrication Duct Fabrication Commissioning
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication