Jesus, Jesus is risen 1.Death could not contain you The Cross can’t keep you down Over all, you’ve triumphed Walls come crumbling down You rise again as victor Your promise matched by deed We sing our hallelujahs You are risen, yes indeed!
Jesus, Jesus is risen Jesus – up from the grave Jesus, Jesus is risen Death has been conquered and Jesus reigns!
2. Hope, love, live – new meaning Resurrection’s power As we lay our old self down we rise new people now You are God forever You are Christ the Lord We sing our hallelujahs O risen, living Lord
Jesus, Jesus is risen Jesus – up from the grave Jesus, Jesus is risen Death has been conquered and Jesus reigns!
Jesus, Jesus is risen Jesus – up from the grave Jesus, Jesus is risen Death has been conquered and Jesus reigns! David MacGregor © 2009 Willow Publishing CCLI Licence # – used with permission