What is Tech Prep? Tech Prep is the national initiative to prepare the next generation of productive, well-trained skilled workers. by Debbie Soll Source: Tech Prep Rio Grande Valley
What is the Purpose of Tech Prep? The purpose of Tech Prep is to prepare any student to enter and succeed in a postsecondary institution or career. Source: Cord Communications
Tech Prep is…. Sequenced programs of study combining at least two years of secondary and two years of postsecondary education Four-year program (grades 11-14) that leads to an associate degree or two-year certificate in a specific career field Including curriculum of core courses of mathematics, science, communications, and technologies - integrated, applied, and sequenced. Source: Tech Prep Rio Grande Valley
Providing a student with a planned program of study incorporating academic and career-related courses. These courses are articulated between the secondary and postsecondary levels leading to a diploma, degree, or two-year apprenticeship certificate Includes a 4+2, 3+2 or 2+2 planned sequence of study in a technical field beginning as early as the ninth year of school. Source: Institute for Workforce Competitiveness Tech Prep is….
Tech Prep Involves: Partnerships with: Schools Employers Families and community leaders Expecting the same levels of high achievement from all students Recognizing and addressing a variety of learning styles Integrating practical applications into academics Keeping student choices and career/educational options open Preparing students for critical thinking and lifelong learning (Source: The ABCs of Tech Prep, CORD, net.info/ABCs_of_Tech-Prep.pdf) net.info/ABCs_of_Tech-Prep.pdf
HOW is Tech Prep organized? Public and private partnerships form consortiums with local educators to develop and implement a plan for that particular area. High schools articulate courses and certificate programs with community colleges. Students sign-up and agree to take the courses. Students continue at the college level. Source: Department of Education, OVAE, Tech Prep
WHAT requirements do states have? To give priority consideration to Tech Prep programs that do the following: Offer effective employment placement Transfer to 4-year baccalaureate programs Are developed in consultation with business, industry, labor unions, and institutions of higher education that award baccalaureate degrees Address dropout prevention and re-entry and the needs of special populations Source: Department of Education, OVAE, Tech Prep
HOW is Tech Prep funded [in California]? Funded by federal Carl D. Perkins under Title II: Tech-Prep Education Act. States have the option of merging the Tech Prep funding stream with that of the state grant. Funded in California through ten economic regions identified by the California Community Colleges Chancellors Office of Vocational and Technical Education Regional Consortia. Source: Department of Education, OVAE, Tech Prep
…in California? Consortia are based roughly on Community College districts Baldy View ROP is the fiscal agent for the Chaffey Community College District For , CCCD will get $76,648 in Tech Prep Funds In comparison, San Bernardino County Super- intendent of Schools covering Barstow College & Crafton Hills College will get $383,240 Source: California Community College Chancellors Office
WHAT IS [2+2] or [2+2+2] ARTICULATION ? A planned process linking two or more education systems. Helps students make smooth transition from high school to a two-year post-secondary level without a delay or duplication of learning. 2+2 is high school PLUS two years of college or trade school to earn the TPAD (Tech Prep Associate Degree) is the same as above, adding the BA/BS degree in two more years. Source: State Center Consortium – A Partnership for Success
Benefits of Tech Prep Provides high rigor, high need, and high wage career technical programs and training Efficient and effective transition from secondary to postsecondary or workforce Tech-Prep educational plans also include provisions for continuation for a baccalaureate degree (4 2 2) Eligible for college credit through course articulation Source: Personal Interview with Maggie Van Riper, Articulation and Tech Prep Specialist, Chaffey College
More Benefits of Tech Prep Minimizes needless course duplication; Reduces education costs for the students since they will complete fewer courses; Students receive college credit and/or place-ment credit through hard work; Assists in student transition from high school to college; Increases self-confidence in students Prepares students for higher education Reduces truancy Gives students a more positive attitude about school Source: National Association for Tech Prep Leadership
Student Outcomes of Tech Prep An associate degree or a 2-year certificate. Technical preparation in at least one field of engineering technology, applied science, mechanical, industrial, or practical art or trade, or agriculture, health, or business. Competence in math, science, and communication. Employment Source: Department of Education, Programs, Tech Prep
The National Association for Tech Prep Leadership
Perkins Requirement for Tech Prep The Perkins Act requires that Tech-Prep programs have seven elements : (1) an articulation agreement between secondary and postsecondary consortium participants; (2) a two-plus-two or a four-plus-two (only four- or six-year programs are authorized) design with a common core of proficiency in math, science, communication, and technology; (3) a specifically developed Tech-Prep curriculum; (4) joint in-service training of secondary and postsecondary teachers to implement the Tech-Prep curriculum effectively; (5) training of counselors to recruit students and to ensure program completion and appropriate employment; (6) equal access for special populations to the full range of Tech-Prep programs; (7) preparatory services. Source: Department of Education, OVAE, Tech Prep