Manage Information/Knowledge management system BSBINM501A part3 Trainer: Kevin Chiang
Learning Outcomes Organize information in a format suitable for analysis, interpretation and dissemination in accordance with organizational requirements Use appropriate technology/systems to maintain information in accordance with organizational requirements
Organize information When organize information, you need to ask a few questions: Who will use this information? How will the information be used? Are there any organizational and presentational requirements associated with it?
Organize information: Analysis Meaning: To break a complex problem or data down into smaller, more manageable parts and examine it Example: Analysis of interest rate patterns may explain customer loan approval rates and result in new loan products being advertised.
Organize information: Interpretation Meaning: To provide a clear meaning and explanation of a piece of information Example: The interpretation of sales data will explain buying powers of clients.
Organize information: Dissemination Meaning: To spread or broadcast the information. Example: Information about company financials may be disseminated via their annual report to a wide range of internal and external stakeholders
Formatting information When you prepare information remember the following guidelines: Report should contain a table of contents, chapter numbers, headers & footers, etc Spreadsheets are an appropriate way to represent financial information
Formatting information cont. Graphic such as charts, diagrams, pictures are useful aids for interpreting written material. Database organize information about customers & suppliers information in a logical, consistent format.
Incorporating graphics and pictures Clip art Photographs Illustrations Web graphics Symbols Formatting information cont.
Commonly used software Word processing Spreadsheet Presentation Publishing
Use appropriate technology and systems To effectively maintain an organization’s information, some systems need to be considered: IInformation management systems KKnowledge management systems RRecord management systems
Information management systems Information management systems are the process by which an organization controls the processing and delivery of information. These systems are in place to make sure the right person gets the right information. Examples: DDepartment / Group / Team s DDistribution list PPA / EA filtering
Knowledge management systems Knowledge management systems are used by organization to identify, create, and distribute knowledge. It is about knowing who has what knowledge and ensuring it flows through the organization. Example: Trainer’s expertise, accreditations & qualification Discussion forums, Corporate libraries Available knowledge in the market
Research on external KM Review Australian Institution of Management website, Find the information in regards to: 1. What are the unit of competencies that AIM offers in Diploma of Management? 2. What is the training schedule for “Dealing with difficult customers” in NSW? DA8D BEA-9D1545F6729F DA8D BEA-9D1545F6729F =QQF8AA0170DV =QQF8AA0170DV
Record management systems Record management systems are primarily responsible for maintaining the organizations information on business activities. They control the storage, collations, distribution, archiving and/or destruction of information. Internal & External storage Example: Legal documents Contracts, invoices, reports
Maintain the information for your own use Use technologies to maintain the information: Computers Folders, files, locations, names, duplicated copies s Inbox, draft, sent / deleted items, archived Telephone and voice mail Fax, photocopiers and shredder
Maintain information Activity: OOrganize your s CCategories them into relevant folders Study Work Friends & Family Travel