1 “At Risk” Clubs How do we recognize them and assist them? Presidential Membership Seminar
2 “At Risk” Clubs As District leaders, do we have warning that a Club is about to fold?
3 “At Risk” Clubs Can we save the Club, and help it to become an effective Rotary Club?
4 “At Risk” Clubs Is a declining club worth saving? Or should our energies be directed towards helping stronger & already effective clubs?
5 “At Risk” Clubs As District leaders, do we have warning that a Club is about to fold?
6 “At Risk” Clubs How can we be pro-active in preventing clubs from declining to crisis point?
7 “At Risk” Clubs What are the causes of a club declining & shutting down??
8 Causes of failure Changing Demographics? Decline of commercial centres? Too many Rotary clubs? Cost of Rotary? Weekly meetings? Too many demands on members?
9 Causes of failure Poor leadership Poor planning Poor marketing Poor communication Badly run meetings Disagreements & personality clashes
10 Causes of failure Not enough fun! Too much fun, not enough service!
11 “At Risk” Clubs What are the warning signs? Membership below 20, 15, 10 High average age High % retired Few or no females Recycled Presidents Badly run meetings Low representation at District meetings
12 “At Risk” Clubs Who is the first District person to become aware? What should that person do?
13 “At Risk” Clubs What can the District Membership Team do to help? Remedial Action?
14 “At Risk” Clubs Discussion Groups How can we assist a club that is struggling to survive?
15 “At Risk” Clubs Solutions
16 Remedial action Form an Action Group Visit the club, meet with Board & key people Assess the prognosis
17 Remedial action Does the club recognise the problem? Are they prepared to take action? Would a merger be considered?
18 Remedial Action Club Health Check Exit Interviews Membership Satisfaction Questionaires Develop a plan – short term & long term
19 Remedial Action Make meetings FUN! Invite Rotarians from other clubs Raise profile in local area Enlist neighbour club to do a joint local project
20 Remedial Action Invite local business & community leaders to a meeting to showcase Rotary projects Follow up – Follow up - Follow up!
21 Remedial Action Invite a Rotarian from another club to take a leadership role Contact alumni – invite to a meeting or youth project Set interim- membership targets – 10,15,20 members
22 Remedial Action Be prepared for the long haul! If Club and District together, a positive result is possible!