Woodside Warriors Netball Club Information Session for Winter 2014
Welcome and thank you
Training and Coaches expectations Trainings are vital Arrive ready to train Respect the equipment Coaches will have individual expectations
Player Code of Conduct Available on Mid Hills Website 1. Learn the rules of the game and play fairly by them at all times 2. Never argue with an official. If you disagree, have your captain approach the official during an interval or after the competition. 3. Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials or other players, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent is not acceptable or permitted in any sport and action may be taken by the umpires and/or team officials. 4. Work hard for your team at all times. Your performance will benefit and so will your team. 5. Acknowledge good play whether it is by your team or the opposition. 6. Treat all players both on and off the court, as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with or take unfair advantage of another player. 7. Co-operate with your coach, team mates, opponents and officials at all times.
Parent and Spectator Code of Conduct Available on Mid Hills Website Encourage your team. They are professional/playing for the love of the sport; they are not playing for spectators only. Applaud good performance and focus on the efforts by your team AND the opponents rather than the overall outcome of the event. Congratulate both teams regardless of the game’s outcome. The result of each game should be accepted. An honest effort is as important as victory. Respect the official’s decision. If you disagree with an official; raise the issue through the appropriate channels rather than question the official’s judgement and honesty in public. Remember, most officials give their time and effort for the participants involvement. Condemn the use of violence in any form, be it by spectators, coaches, officials or players. Show respect for your team’s opponents - without them there would not be a game. Encourage players to play according to the rules and the officials decisions. Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not using foul language, harassing players, intimidation/harassment of coaches or officials.
WWNC Expectations Encourage one another Help whenever possible Give constructive feedback Abide by the codes of conduct Follow the correct process of reporting issues Represent your club, on and off the court, in the best way possible
What we want to do for you Provide A fun, safe and enjoyable environment Opportunities for you to develop your netball A real culture within our club, social events, BBQ’s, team integration Coaches and Umpires with the development and encouragement they need to succeed …but we still need your help in achieving the above!
Important areas Fees Uniforms – New A-Line dresses New merchandise Clubrooms – fundraising Survey from 2013 – We are taking your ideas on board – Will look at doing another, more succinct one soon
Coaches and Umpires WANTED!!
Thanks for coming!