1 Important Changes to the Victorian Electricity Industry for Electrical Infrastructure Civil Works 1 July 2009
2 The Objective of this session is to: Provide an overview of the changes to the Victorian Electricity Supply Industry (VESI) requirements for Civil Contracting activities. The industry comprises of the electricity distributors listed below
3 The Industry Changes: –The changes affect companies and individuals involved in the civil aspects of underground electricity infrastructure projects –Under the changes, only pre-qualified and accredited civil contractors will be permitted to work on network electricity infrastructure projects –These requirements will take effect from 1 January 2010
4 These changes will: Improve Health & Safety for the public and stakeholders Reduce costs to Customers and businesses in dealing with non-compliance issues. Improve understanding of the Victorian Electricity Industry underground standards and constructor responsibilities Reduce rework and defects due to training and auditing of construction Improve overall project timelines Increase the numbers of Auditors in the industry
5 OH&S ACT –The Act requires that employees, other persons at work and members of the public be given the highest level of protection against risks to their health and safety that is reasonably practicable in the circumstances. –Persons who control or manage matters that give rise or may give rise to risks to health or safety are responsible for eliminating or reducing those risks so far as is reasonably practicable.
6 Changes to the Electricity Industry CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
7 Civil Contractor Accreditation CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
8 Management System The Contractor Management System to be based on – AS 4801:2001 (Safety) – ISO 9001:2000 (Quality) – ISO 14001:2004 (Environment) and must include the Victorian Electrical Distribution Networks Owners requirements –Training –Standards –Approvals –Auditing requirements CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
9 Management System Audits 1.Contractors Health Safety Environment & Quality (HSE&Q) to be audited and certified by an approved third party body, confirming compliance to management system and Networks Owners requirements. (desktop) 2.Audit by approved third party body of the contractor’s implementation of their management system in the field to confirm compliance to management system and Networks Owners requirements. (field) 3.Annually audited by an approved third party to maintain accreditation CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
10 Accreditation Process CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
11 Civil Contractor and Auditor Training CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
12 Civil Contractor Training One of the requirements is for the person/s directly supervising or carrying out the work to have completed an approved Underground Cable Installation – Civil Works course VEDN UG Electrical Civil infrastructure (Module 1) CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
13 Civil Contractor Training Civil Contractor Training Includes: Health & Safety in the workplace Hazard Assessment and Risk Control Auditing Requirements Dial Before You Dig (or MOCS) No Go Zone Plans and Drawings CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
14 Auditors Training To obtain approval as an auditor the person/s must have completed an approved VEDN Auditor training course. VEDN Auditor Training (Module 4) There are 3 classifications: –Approved worksite auditor (civil) –Approved worksite auditor (electrical) –Approved Network auditor (Network) CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
15 Auditors Training Auditor Training Includes: Principles of Auditing Audit Types The Role of an Auditor Audit Preparation Approved and Current Construction Plan Network Design & Construction Standards Report Writing Field Visit or Simulated Exercise CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
16 Auditors Training Notes Auditors will also need training/qualifications relevant to the works being inspected. Additional VESI training and authorisations will be required if approach to assets is other than No Go Zone regulations. CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
17 Auditing Approach CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
18 SP AusNet CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
19 Jemena CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
20 CitiPower / Powercor CHANGES Civil Contractor Accreditation Civil Contractor & Auditor Training Similar Auditing Approach
21 Pre-Installed Assets For cases where conduits etc have been installed prior to the commencement of these civil works requirements, the customer/contractor/organisation responsible for the pre- installed assets must supply the following handed over documentation to the Network Owners Project Manger: Name of contractor that carried out the works Detailed drawing of the works being handed over Pit, pipe, trench and ducts inspection of the works Pre-installed assets without the above information or not installed to the required standards will not be accepted.
22 Information Links These other websites have been selected by the committee as being of interest. The committee makes no promises and takes no responsibility for the content on the external websites listed here. Member Companies Powercor : Member Organisationhttp:// CitiPower: Member Organisation SP AusNnet: Member Organisationhttp:// Jemena: Member Organisationhttp:// United Energy: Member Organisation.com.au Related Websites: Civil Contractors Industry A list of Accredited Civil Companies, Underground Auditors and RTOs is also on this site
23 Next Steps for Civil Contractors 1.Develop and Implement Your Management System AS 4801:2001 (Safety) ISO 9001:2000 (Quality) ISO 14001:2004 (Environment), Scope must include all civil activities of underground electricity infrastructure works E.g.: NGZ, excavating, directional boring, installation of conduits, marker tape, pits, sand, slab and backfill Training for personnel 2.Have the Management System Audited & Certified Gain certification for your system from an approved third party auditor eg: JASANZ auditor 3.Apply to the VEDN for Pre-Qualification Application form to be submitted Copies of certification Certificates (Scope) Auditor letter verifying systems have been audited 4.Apply to the VEDN for Accreditation Auditor letter verifying systems audited have been applied in field works Projects have been built to the Victorian Electricity Supply Industry (VESI) requirements. Personnel with Electricity Industry training were on site.
24 Thank you for you participation today For additional details refer to the Website