Mindari Session Protocols
General Rules and Protocols Protocols Salutes and Scout sign Motto Left hand Handshake Church Parades Travel Flags Pubic Performances Uniform Mourning Official Visits
Salutes When in uniform: At the raising or lowering of the flag. At the playing of the National Anthem. Uncasing the ‘Colours’. At funerals. Other ceremonial occasions. When Scouts are attending official functions and not in uniform, salute by standing at attention. Eg when National Anthem is played. If your hands are occupied: turn head to left or right as appropriate. Salute whether head is bare or covered. In church: Stand at alert. Public parades: Leader calls to ‘alert’, leader and scouts salute. Scout Sign: When making or reaffirming the Scout Promise. In church or public. Used whether head is bare or covered.
Motto “Be Prepared”
Left Hand Handshake BP observed the ritual amongst African Ashanti warriors. The fighting shields were held in the left hand. When meeting another warrior, he would lower his shield and shake with the left handed showing trust in each other.
Church Parades Blessing of the Colours Come and see what Church Parade is 22 May 2011 at Greenbank, TBA
Travel Travel within another branch Seek Qld Branch approval. Travel overseas as a Scout representative Seek Qld Branch approval. Branches will Advise the international Commissioner
Flags Scouts may use the following flags: Australian National Flag Aboriginal Flag and Torres Straight Islander Flag Australian Scout Flags Patrol Flags World Scout Flag Official overseas national flags on special occasions, international Jamborees, visiting heads of state
Use of Flags Marching in Parades Flagstaff sloped over Right Shoulder and flag gathered in. March past Flagstaff held vertical and flag flying free Flags to be lowered to the Queen or her representative, Royal family, Governor General, State Governor, Overseas Heads of State. Flags will not be lowered during the National Anthem except in the presence of the above. World Scout and Australian Scout Flags only will be lowered to the Chief Scout.
Public Performances Members in Scout uniform may perform in stage shows or on television Prior permission from Qld Branch
Uniforms Blue Uniform from 2004 “The wearing of a uniform by Youth Members is not a prerequisite to Membership”. Section Scarves, Qld Scarf Leaders: Gilwell Scarf at training events, grey scarf during woodbadge training. Special Activities: permission from Chief Commissioner. Eg Jamboree Gang Show and revues: during performances More in QBSI Section 4.5
Mourning Called to Higher Duties Uniformed Members may wear a 5cm band around the bottom of their left sleeve
Official Functions Visits by the: Chief Scout or Head of state. Invitations to submitted to branch. Branch will provide a Protocol Form Chief Commissioner. Branch will provide a Protocol AdviceProtocol Advice Other Distinguished guests Region Commissioner Politicians QBSI Section 4Section 4
Offical Functions RSVP Meet on arrival Delegate, usually the host, to accompany Chief Scout or Chief Commissioner and introduce to the function. Request to speak Dress code Uniformed Guests invited to parade before flag break Thank the guest for attending